Course 2019-2020 a.y.


Department of Accounting

For the instruction language of the course see class group/s below
Go to class group/s: 11 - 12
CLEACC (5 credits - II sem. - OB  |  SECS-P/07)
Course Director:

Classi: 11 (II sem.)
Docenti responsabili delle classi:

Classe/i impartita/e in lingua italiana

Mission e Programma sintetico


Il corso costituisce il secondo modulo dell'insegnamento istituzionale che sviluppa i fondamenti primi di ordine economico-aziendale in materia di teoria e di metodologie attinenti alla composizione e alla lettura del bilancio d'esercizio. Il secondo modulo, in particolare, si sofferma sulle modalità di valutazione delle principali voci di bilancio, in conformità alle disposizioni normative e ai principi contabili nazionali, sulla illustrazione delle tecniche di composizione del bilancio consolidato, sulla analisi e interpretazione del bilancio mediante riclassificazioni e indici, sulla costruzione e interpretazione del rendiconto finanziario.


L'insegnamento affronta nel Modulo II le seguenti aree tematiche:

  • La valutazione dei crediti di funzionamento e dei correlati ricavi di vendita.
  • La valutazione dei fondi rischi e oneri.
  • La rappresentazione delle operazioni in valuta estera.
  • La valutazione delle imposte di competenza.
  • La valutazione delle attività finanziarie (partecipazioni).
  • Introduzione al bilancio consolidato.
  • L'analisi del bilancio: la riclassificazione del conto economico ed i relativi indici.
  • L'analisi del bilancio: la riclassificazione dello stato patrimoniale ed i relativi indici.
  • L'analisi del bilancio: gli indici di redditività e le loro determinanti.
  • Tecnica di costruzione e analisi del rendiconto finanziario.

Risultati di Apprendimento Attesi (RAA)


Al termine dell'insegnamento, lo studente sarà in grado di...
  • Giudicare come dare adeguata rappresentazione ai valori stimati e congetturati di fine esercizio, nel rispetto della normativa vigente e di corretti principi contabili.
  • Comporre un bilancio consolidato.
  • Analizzare e intepretare i bilanci mediante riclassificazioni e indici.
  • Completare l'informativa di bilancio tramite una adeguata rappresentazione della dimensione finanziaria.


Al termine dell'insegnamento, lo studente sarà in grado di...
  • Effettuare corrette valutazioni delle principali voci di bilancio.
  • Comporre il bilancio consolidato del primo esercizio di attività per un gruppo di imprese.
  • Saper riclassificare il conto economico e lo stato patrimoniale e calcolare e intepretare i principali indici di bilancio.
  • Costruire e interpretare tramite opportuni indici il rendiconto finanziario.

Modalità didattiche

  • Lezioni frontali
  • Esercitazioni (esercizi, banche dati, software etc.)
  • Analisi casi studio / Incidents guidati (tradizionali, multimediali)


  • Durante il corso il docente svolge molte esercitazioni in aula per facilitare la comprensione dei diversi temi affrontati.
  • Sono previsti, mediante  la piattaforma del corso, esercizi e test di autovalutazione facoltativi che favoriscono l'apprendimento e la preparazione all'esame finale.

Metodi di valutazione dell'apprendimento

  Accertamento in itinere Prove parziali Prova generale
  • Prova individuale scritta (tradizionale/online)


L'esame, della durata di 60 minuti, consiste in domande chiuse, sia di tipo quantitativo che qualitativo, con riferimento a valutazioni di bilancio, analisi di bilancio e rendiconto finanziario.

Materiali didattici


Il corso si basa sui seguenti libri di testo (già indicati per il Modulo I cod. 30426)

  • G. LOMBARDI STOCCHETTI (a cura di), Basic Financial Accounting, Guerini Next, Milano, 2018 (EDIZIONE AGGIORNATA a quanto disposto dal D.Lgs. 139/2015 e dai nuovi principi OIC).
  • G. LOMBARDI STOCCHETTI (a cura di), Valutazioni di bilancio, Pearson, Milano, 2018 (EDIZIONE AGGIORNATA a quanto disposto dal D.Lgs. 139/2015 e dai nuovi principi OIC).

Sono inoltre previste slide ed esercitazioni che saranno rese disponibili mediante la piattaforma del corso.

Modificato il 27/04/2020 10:21

Classes: 12 (II sem.)

Class group/s taught in English

Mission & Content Summary


Accounting is the language of business, an important means of communication among various business parties. Among others, financial accounting speaks mainly to external information users, such as investors and financial analysts, who make decisions for many different purposes using the accounting information revealed in financial statements. Accounting 1 (30426) is the first Module of two (Accounting Module 2 is 30427); the aim of this course, overall, is to let students achieve knowledge and skills in respect of financial statements preparation, covering ali basi e accounting topics. In particular, students learn: - How to read and interpret main business transactions. - How to apply the double - entry bookkeeping techniques. - How to evaluate the main accounting items. - How to prepare a cash flow statement. How to prepare a set of separate and consolidated financial statements. - How to make a F/S reclassification and analysis. That said, the mission of this specific course (30426 - Accounting Module 1) is to provide to students the basic Accounting skills, focusing on the double-entry bookkeeping techniques and their application in the main transactions involving the accounts of the entities. At the end of both courses 30426 and 30427, students should be ab le to manage, at a basic level, all the issues related to Financial Accounting.


The content of the course, overall (30426 and 30427), can be summarized as follows:

  • Understand the accounting methodology with reference to data gathering, processing, classification and recording using the "accounting equation" (A= L + SE) and then the double-entry accounting system.
  • Understand the techniques at the basis of financial reporting preparation (preparation of journal entries on the basis of the accrual principle, going concern principle, ... ).
  • Understand the adjusting entries and identify the areas which are particularly subject to managerial discretion.
  • Correctly evaluate the main financial statement items, according to law and to accounting principles: revenues and receivables, inventories, non-current tangible and intangible assets, liabilities and bonds, owners' equity, investments in other corporations
  • Compute and account for income taxes.
  • Prepare a cash flow statement.
  • Reclassify the F/S items according to different methodologies.
  • Analyze F/S with ratios.
  • Prepare consolidated financial statements.

The course makes reference, where necessary, to lnternational Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS) and to the main differences compared to US GAAP.

  • Accounting Module 1 30426 covers topics under items 1 to 4 of the above list (up to bonds).
  • Accounting Module 2 30427 covers topics under 4 (cont'd from owners' equity) to 9 of the above list.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Summarize and illustrate the theoretical tools needed to evaluate the following main financial statement items, according to law and to accounting principles: owners' equity; investments in other corporations.
  • Explain the process required to compute income taxes.
  • Reproduce a set of F/S reclassified according to the EU Directives taxonomy.
  • Define the categories where to classify a change in cash in the cash flow statement.
  • Illustrate the schemes of F/S reclassification for ratio analysis purposes.
  • Describe the main ratios used to analyze F/S (measures of performance, liquidity and solvency).
  • Recognize whether there is or not a "control" as a prerequisite to prepare consolidated F/S.
  • Summarize the meaning of the consolidation adjustments when preparing the consolidated financial statement.
  • Understanding the firms' key performance indicators.


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Analyze, evaluate, calculate and prepare the journal entries related to the following financial statement items, according to law and to accounting principles: owners' equity; investments in other corporations.
  • Calculate income taxes and prepare the relevant journal entries.
  • Compose the cash flow statement.
  • Reclassify the items according to the commonly-used F/S reclassification schemes for ratio analysis purposes.
  • Elaborate a F/S analysis (measures of performance, liquidity and solvency).
  • Prepare consolidated financial statement.

Teaching methods

  • Face-to-face lectures
  • Exercises (exercises, database, software etc.)
  • Case studies /Incidents (traditional, online)


Accounting Module 2 - 30427 is an "intermediate" course, hence - although the learning experience is based on face-to-face lectures - more interaction (cases discussion with students) is scheduled and expected throughout the course.

  • Lessons are interactive, as accounting is a very practical course: real-life cases are presented during teaching, with the goal of linking the explanation to the "real world of business and accounts".
  • After each set of lectures regarding a certain topic, review sessions are discussed in class: the goal of the review session consists in showing the students how to approach the preparation of journal entries and all other tasks concerning Accounting.
  • To actively participate to review sessions, students need to use their communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Additional materials (exercises, slides, et cetera) useful to get trained far the exam will be posted on Bboard.

Assessment methods

  Continuous assessment Partial exams General exam
  • Written individual exam (traditional/online)
x   x
  • Active class participation (virtual, attendance)
x   x


The final grade of the course, which is registered in the students' career, is determined as the average of the exams 30426 and 30427 grade. Students must register to seat for the exam. AII students are graded on a written, comprehensive exam (there are no partial exams), which is based on a mix of open questions, closed questions and exercises, which aims to assess the student's learning level of the theoretical notions and the main concepts, methods and tools shared in the course. Final grade is rounded. Students are graded according to many different options presented below. In fact, there are two different "bonuses" applicable. Here below bonuses are summarized and a more detailed description will be provided at beginning of the course on Bboard.

  • Written exam. At the end of the term, all students have a written exam, which is graded on a 30,00 points basis. The exam, broadly, may be divided into two sections.
    1. First section: closed-ended questions (MC and "fili in the blank" or other types of closed-ended questions) aimed at assessing the knowledge and understanding of the students, as follows:
      • Ability to summarize and illustrate the theoretical tools needed to evaluate: owners'equìty; investments in other corporations.
      • Ability to explain how income taxes are computed.
      • Knowledge of the EU Directives taxonomy reclassification
      • Understanding of the categories where to classify a change in cash in the cash flow statement.
      • Knowledge of the schemes of F/S reclassification for ratio analysis purposes.
      • Ability to describe the main ratios used to analyze F/S (measures of performance, liquidity and solvency).
      • Ability to recognize whether there is or not "control" as a prerequisite to prepare consolidated F/S.
      • Ability to summarize the meaning of the consolidation adjustments when preparing the consolidated financial statement.
    2. Second section: open-ended questions (journal entries or other types of open-ended questions, id est exercises) aimed at assessing the application of the knowledge and understanding of the students, as follows:
      • Ability to analyze, evaluate, calculate and prepare the journal entries related to the following financial statement items, according to law and to accounting principles: owners’ equity; investments in other corporations.
      • Ability to calculate income taxes and prepare the relevant journal entries.
      • Ability to compose the cash flow statement.
      • Ability to reclassify the items according to the commonly-used F/S reclassification schemes for ratio analysis purposes.
      • Ability to elaborate a F/S analysis (measures of performance, liquidity and solvency).
      • Ability to prepare consolidated financial statement.
  • Bonus attendance. Attendance of students is assessed through the "Attendance" procedure. To be considered "attending", students are required to be present on more than 75% of lessons (at least 18 lectures over 23). An attendance registered "late" is not valid.lf students attend more than 75% of lessons, they achieve a "bonus attendance". The “bonus attendance" consists in ADDITIONAL + 1,00 point, which will be added to the points scored in the "written exam".
  • Bonus quizzes. During the course, 2 "in class" short quizzes are given to the students via Bboard. These tests consist of either (or a combination of) multiple choices and closed-ended questions. They approximately last 15 minutes and their main goal is to foster continuous assessment and participation.The release date of the quizzes is scheduled at the beginning of the following lessons:
    • Quiz 1: final lesson before the break for partial exams.
    • Quiz 2: final lesson of the course.
  • Each of the two tests is graded between 0,00 and 3,50 points. Then points of the two quizzes are added up (if a student is absent on one date of the quiz, points are zero for that single quiz and totaI points coincide with points of the single quiz carried out). This way, a student can achieve up to 7,00 points as "bonus quizzes". Such (up to) 7,00 "bonus points" give the students the following: on the date of the exam, they are al/owed TO SKIP one exercise (among a set of exercises included the exam) which is automatically graded with the points scored in the quizzes. In other words, these (up to) 7 points are ALTERNATIVE in respect to an exercise of the exam.
  • Hence, all students who are happy with their result achieved in the "bonus quizzes" have an exam on 23 point basis, as they automatically get "bonus points" in one exercise. In other words, these points are not "in addition to" the grade of the exam, but rather these points are "substitutive" of an exercise in the exam which is weighed 7 points. Otherwise, whether a student is unhappy with the points achieved in the "bonus quizzes", he/she is allowed to make the exercise in the exam. The grade of the exercise of the exam overrides the points scored in the Bonus Quizzes.


Please refer to the paragraph "attending students" and consider what follows. Not attending students (as above defined) have a written exam, which is the same of attending students, on a 30 points basis.

Moreover, not attending students can get the "bonus quizzes" by attending the whole lectures in which the quiz is deployed. Nobody can make the quiz at home; any violation is considered as a violation of the "attendance" system. In other words, the only difference between "attending" and "not-attending" students is the "bonus attendance" which cannot be achieved by not attending students.

Teaching materials


The course materiai is exclusively represented by:

  • LIBBY, LIBBY, HODGE, Financial Accounting, lnternational Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2016, 9th edition (Chapters: 11 and 12 and Appendix A).
  • C. GALIMBERTI, A. MARRA, A. PRENCIPE, Consolidation: Preparing and understanding consolidated financial statements under IFRS, McGrawHill Education, 2013.
  • Slides and other materials provided through Bboard. The course materials (e.g., hands outs and teaching notes) are regularly downloadable from Bboard platform. Teachers make the materials available throughout the course.
Last change 31/05/2019 13:01