Course 2020-2021 a.y.


Department of Marketing

Course taught in English
6 - 7
IM (6 credits - I sem. - OB  |  ING-IND/35)
Course Director:

Classes: 6 (I sem.) - 7 (I sem.)

Mission & Content Summary


In the modern business world, companies increasingly rely on marketing data to make decisions. Every day, we produce more than 250.000 GB of data, most of which are digital (over 98%). There is a common understanding that data, and especially marketing data, has become the new "oil" for the businesses and the whole economy. However, refining this data poses challenges. In this context, modern marketing analytics has assumed its well-deserved position as a critical business function. Why Do You Want to Learn Marketing Analytics? The objective of the course will be to show you the benefits of using a systematic and analytical approach to marketing decision-making. An analytical approach will enable you to: 1.Understand how the principles of marketing strategy help firms organize the analytics opportunity and challenge in today's data era 2.Use and execute data-analytic techniques, and case studies to understand how to solve marketing analytics problems in a scientific and process-driven manner


We will argue that most analytic challenges facing marketing researchers, consultants, and managers could be integrated under one umbrella that comprises four fundamental marketing problems:

  1. All customers are different
  2. All customers change
  3. All competitors react
  4. All resources are limited


We will then emphasize how the "first principles" of marketing strategy help solve the four fundamental marketing problems and help students develop analytic competencies pertaining to each of the four first principles. You will learn how to measure customer preferences, recognize different ways to segment markets, identify attractive customers to target, determine the best positioning of your brand, and develop new products that add value. Overall, by completing this course, you will be on your way to making the ROI case for marketing expenditures that companies are increasingly asking of their executives.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Understand the tenets of modern marketing analytics
  • Learn the general framework of four principles of marketing analytics
  • Identify the issues with applying marketing analytics


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Identify the correct approach to collecting and analyzing marketing data
  • Match the four principles of marketing analytics to different real-world problems
  • Execute basic statistical analysis on real-world data
  • Execute more advanced statistical analysis to selected cases
  • Evaluate the results obtained from statistical models applied to marketing data
  • Report and interpret the results obtained from applying the principles of marketing analytics
  • Provide key recommendations to the company board

Teaching methods

  • Face-to-face lectures
  • Online lectures
  • Exercises (exercises, database, software etc.)
  • Case studies /Incidents (traditional, online)
  • Group assignments


In addition to face-to-face lecturers, this course includes:

·       Exercises and case studies on real business problems concerning the four principles of marketing analytics. These cases will allow students to appreciate the applicability of the models and the analytical tools discussed during the course and to develop problem-solving skills;

·       Case-group assignments aiming to apply the analytical models and the measurement approaches explained in the course. These assignments will also enable students to develop their team working abilities and to effectively manage stress and time constraints.

Assessment methods

  Continuous assessment Partial exams General exam
  • Written individual exam (traditional/online)
  • Group assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)


Grades will be assigned in accordance with the school’s recommended grading policy. The weights assigned to the relative contributions of different aspects of the course are as follows:

  1. Written Exam 50%
  2. Group work 50%



  1. Written exam:

In-class, closed-book final exam. The exam consists of a series of conceptual questions and exercises covering the whole course program. The written exam aims to evaluate:

  • knowledge of concepts related to the four principles of marketing analytics  
  • the ability to interpret the output from statistical analyses related to the four principles of marketing analytics
  • ability to provide concrete recommendations based on the analysis


2. Group Work

We will be covering several cases through the duration of the course, and you should turn in the cases.

  • When the case is assigned for group work, the case solution should be delivered in the form of PowerPoint slides.
  • Your case slides write-up is designed to highlight your ability to execute and translate the results of the marketing case in a managerially relevant and implementable manner.
  • If you have supplemental notes for your slides, please provide me a copy of your slides in Notes view or as an Excel file.
  • Please submit the case solution by the established deadline. No late assignments will be accepted.
  • I will lead the class discussion of the cases but will call on a couple of teams at random to present their analysis of the case in class.



Written exam (100%):



Closed-book final exam based on the book:

A. CHERNEV, Strategic Marketing Management, Cerebellum Press, 2018, 9th ed. 


The exam consists of a series of conceptual questions and exercises covering the whole book. The written exam aims to evaluate:

  • knowledge of concepts related to the principles of marketing strategy as expressed in the book
  • the ability to correctly assess and critically evaluate the concepts expressed in the book related to steps in marketing strategy. 
  • ability to provide concrete recommendations based on book

Teaching materials


  • Course Slides
  • Other content provided during the course on blackboard



A. CHERNEV, Strategic Marketing Management, Cerebellum Press, 2018, 9th ed.

Last change 24/06/2020 16:18