Course 2021-2022 a.y.


Department of Management and Technology

Course taught in English
ACME (6 credits - I sem. - OBS  |  3 credits L-ART/06  |  3 credits SECS-P/07)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (I sem.)

Mission & Content Summary


This course explores some of the critical features that structure the global movie industry and video-making industry, how these features pose specific managerial challenges, and some approaches to overcome those challenges. It examines the trends that shape how the industry is evolving, and discusses the challenges and opportunities these trends bring about. The focus is on all the activities of the movie value chain. In particular, it concentrates on production (in its various phases), financing, marketing and distribution on different media and platforms. It also looks at specific strategic models that inform the way companies operate in the industry. Although the course adopts a global perspective, the main focus is on US and European industries. The program is primarily designed for students who wish to pursue a career in the industry, or who are planning to work in companies that advise or support the sector. It may also be interesting for students seeking to advance their knowledge of strategy and management in the context of a challenging, rapidly changing, and increasingly digital environment.


The course treats relevant topics for the movie and video-making industries:

  • Market and industry characteristics
  • Business and corporate strategy
  • Product development
  • Strategic and operational marketing
  • Distribution
  • Budgeting, financing and funding

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Understand the managerial, financial and operating principles that drive these industries.
  • Identify strategic principles that guide firms in seeking competitive advantage in these industries.
  • Understand how new technologies are reshaping the industry, pushing its boundaries, and driving industry growth at the global scale.


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Develop a critical understanding and application of the managerial principles that drive these industries.
  • Highlight key success factors and resources that firms in the industry can use to address specific challenges.
  • Demonstrate ability in information selection and elaboration in complex settings.
  • Demonstrate organizational and teamwork abilities as well as presentation and communication skills.

Teaching methods

  • Face-to-face lectures
  • Online lectures
  • Guest speaker's talks (in class or in distance)
  • Case studies /Incidents (traditional, online)
  • Individual assignments
  • Group assignments
  • Interactive class activities (role playing, business game, simulation, online forum, instant polls)


Course work consists of required weekly class meetings and participation activities, readings, and in-class group exercises and presentations.

  • Given the interactive nature of the coursework, most of the learning take place in the classroom through the discussion of theories, cases, and interactions with the instructors and guest speakers.
  • The diverse range of teaching methods allow students to better work through difficult concepts and theories and to develop their skills in tackling real issues and situations by applying theoretical constructs.
  • Being a workshop, it is firmly believed that class participation is the crucial element for a successful learning: students are an integral part of the good outcomes and enjoyability of the course. 

Assessment methods

  Continuous assessment Partial exams General exam
  • Written individual exam (traditional/online)
  • Group assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)
  • Active class participation (virtual, attendance)
  • Peer evaluation


Attending students participate to class activity, and prepare all required tests (as detailed below). Students not completing all requirements will automatically become non-attending students.


  1. Participation 10%
  2. Group project 35%
  3. Final written exam 55%


Participation (10% of final grade)

Participation consists in:

  • Asking questions; sharing ideas / comments / opinions; proposing matters of debate
  • Participate to class group activities organized along the journey: tip, read preparatory material

Assessment of participation

  • 5% of final grade, comments to guest lectures: 1,5/30 points if you deliver a report on three guest lecture (0,5 each) - the report is about answering upon a question that faculty poses you, in order to elaborate on the guest's contribution to class debate
  • 5% of final grade: 1,5/30 points max, if you take part to group activities detailed during the course as well as observation task inherent to your online participation to Torino Short Film Market pitches

The purpose of this assessment is to verify that students are able to bridge the theoretical tools appraised in the lectures and the practical evidence brought in by guests. Moreover, the assessment will test students’ ability of analytical observation of real business meetings, taking place at the Film Market, as well as .


Group project (30% + 5% peer review)

The group work requires students to deepen their understanding of the film industry, with specific focus on franchises, marketing plan and product launch.

How ?

  • Via a learning by doing approach.
  • In partnership with real entreprises.

Group project is designed to enhance the acquisition of practical experience on some of the course core issues, granting the students the chance to immerse themselves in "the real world" of movie business.

Engage in a group project in partnership with an existing organization, whose field of operation is at the core of the course content, will allow students to:

  • Experience and manage the relationship with a real partner, as if in their future professional life
  • Develop competencies and know-how on the field, supported by both the supervision of the faculty and the constructive exchanges with the partner
  • Confront with the challenge of presenting their work output to the partner, and be evaluated by them, feeling responsible for the final outcome and its alignment to partner’s expectations
  • Develop relevant soft skills for their future career, such as networking and leadership, priorities assessment, and stress management.
  • Hone their ability to analyse material provided, select critical information, make hypotheses and organize scenarios

This assessment will verify students’ ability in information search, selection and elaboration in complex settings, applying the theoretical tools appraised along the semester.

Final written exam (attending students) (55% of final grade)

It will be based on the materials assigned to attending students and will consist in a comprehensive written test covering all of the modules and material addressed in the course (e.g., readings, cases, text, lectures, and discussions), including open and close questions.

The purpose of this assessment is to verify that students master the underlying theoretical concepts and methods presented in class material, and are able to elaborate on those concepts applying theoretical frameworks to real case studies


Non-attending students are either students who participate to class activities but opt for final written exam only, or students who do not complete ALL requirements needed to be considered attending.

Non-attending students are required to take a final written exam only, indeed.

Non attending students Final written exam 100%

Final written exam (non attending students) (100% of final grade)

It will be based on the materials assigned to non attending students and will consist in a test with theoretical open and close questions regarding the compulsory readings.

The purpose of this assessment is to verify that students master the underlying theoretical concepts and methods presented in the textbooks. Moreover, the exam will test if students show the ability to apply theoretical frameworks to real case studies.

Teaching materials


Course material is made available via:

  • Course reserve (Bocconi Library).
  • Lecturers’ slides and other relevant material are uploaded  on Bocconi e-learning platform, Bboard.
  • Attending students are tested on the provided slides and multimedia materials available via Bboard, on the Case Studies discussed in class and upon a selection of book chapters, acedemic papers and articles (the detailed list is provided in the syllbus of the course).


Course material is made available via:

  • Course reserve (Bocconi Library).
  • Copyrighted material will be uploaded  on Bocconi e-learning platform, Bboard.
  • Non attending students are tested on a selection of book chapters, acedemic papers and articles (the detailed list is provided in the syllbus of the course).
Last change 31/08/2021 10:24