Course 2024-2025 a.y.


Department of Marketing

Student consultation hours
Class timetable
Exam timetable

For the instruction language of the course see class group/s below
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34
CLEAM (7 credits - I sem. - OB)
Course Director:

Classi: 1 (I sem.) - 2 (I sem.) - 3 (I sem.) - 4 (I sem.) - 5 (I sem.) - 6 (I sem.) - 7 (I sem.) - 8 (I sem.)
Docenti responsabili delle classi:

Classe/i impartita/e in lingua italiana

Mission e Programma sintetico


L'insegnamento propone una lettura della disciplina del Marketing centrata sugli aspetti legati all'etica, alla fiducia e alla sostenibilità ambientale, economica e sociale. Tali elementi, oggi imprescindibili per qualsiasi attività imprenditoriale, costituiscono un elemento fondamentale per la creazione di valore condiviso, dal produttore al consumatore. Solo mediante una base di clienti che ha sviluppato un forte legame fiduciario con l'impresa è possibile ottenere risultati economici positivi e quote di mercato consistenti e stabili nel tempo. Il legame di fiducia fra cliente e azienda rappresenta la base per qualsiasi iniziativa di Marketing in uno scenario competitivo e sfidante come quello attuale. Sulla base di questa consapevolezza l'insegnamento propone una panoramica del complessivo processo di Marketing management, che gestisce il rapporto tra azienda, cliente, tecnologie, touchpoint e prodotti. La prima parte del corso è d dedicata alla comprensione del concetto di marketing e della sua dimensione analitica. Ogni buona decisione di Marketing nasce dalla comprensione delle esigenze del cliente e dalla scrupolosa osservazione della concorrenza. La seconda parte si focalizza sulle decisioni strategiche (segmentazione della domanda, targeting e posizionamento dell’offerta) e sulle politiche di Marketing relative all’offerta (prodotto e pricing) e al processo di comunicazione e di go to market.



La struttura del corso ripercorre il flusso del processo di Marketing management nei suoi passaggi fondamentali:

  1. Il momento analitico e l'analisi del valore per il cliente e dell’ambiente competitivo.
  2. Il momento strategico: le scelte di segmentazione, targeting e posizionamento.
  3. Il momento gestionale: la definizione delle politiche commerciali
  4. Il momento del controllo: le metriche per misurare i risultati degli investimenti di Marketing.


I principali argomenti affrontati sono i seguenti:

  • Il Marketing come concetto e come processo orientato a creare fiducia 

  • Il Marketing analitico: la comprensione dell’ambiente, della concorrenza, del consumatore e del suo comportamento, della distribuzione commerciale

  • La stima del mercato

  • Il Marketing strategico: segmentazione, targeting e posizionamento

  • Le decisioni sul prodotto, l'assortimento e la brand architecture

  • Le politiche di prezzo

  • Le decisioni in merito alla comunicazione e alle promozione

  • Le politiche distributive e il Trade Marketing

  • La misurazione delle performance di Marketing

Risultati di Apprendimento Attesi (RAA)


Al termine dell'insegnamento, lo studente sarà in grado di...

Obiettivo del corso è stimolare e guidare l’apprendimento del discente affinché possa:

  • comprendere il significato del marketing e le principali fasi del processo di Marketing management
  • condividere la centralità del cliente quale filosofia gestionale strategica per l’azienda
  • comprendere l'approccio strategico e gli strumenti operativi del Marketing.
  • analizzare il processo di acquisto del cliente
  • conoscere la struttura e l’evoluzione della distribuzione
  • capire il nesso tra segmentazione del mercato, targeting e posizionamento dell’offerta
  • cogliere gli elementi essenziali di una marca e di un prodotto
  • identificare i principali approcci per la determinazione del prezzo
  • sviluppare dimestichezza con i criteri di definizione della strategia distributiva
  • distinguere caratteristiche e ruoli dei diversi strumenti di comunicazione
  • individuare percorsi di futuro approfondimento nel Marketing e di crescita professionale nell’ambito di tale funzione aziendale.




Al termine dell'insegnamento, lo studente sarà in grado di...


Al termine dell’insegnamento, lo studente sarà in grado di:

  • utilizzare la terminologia specifica del Marketing in modo appropriato
  • “leggere” la realtà (evoluzione dei mercati, dinamiche competitive, decisioni aziendali, business case, notizie provenienti dal mondo delle imprese) in una prospettiva customer centric
  • valutare la dimensione quantitativa di un mercato
  • comprendere i meccanismi decisonali alla base del comportamento del cliente
  • affrontare con logica decisioni semplici di Marketing
  • applicare e interpretare le basilari metriche di performance del Marketing (quota di mercato, customer satisfaction e customer loyalty).

Modalità didattiche

  • Testimonianze (in aula o a distanza)
  • Esercitazioni pratiche
  • Lavori/Assignment di gruppo


  • Mini Campus: sessioni dedicate con manager appartenenti a diversi ruoli della funzione Marketing, che presenteranno case history utili per riportare i contenuti teorici alla pratica aziendale.
  • Esercitazioni e incident: applicazione di metodi quantitativi e qualitativi volti ad assumere decisioni riferite alla sfera commerciale.
  • Casi: utilizzo di case history discusse in aula per stimolare lo sviluppo di capacità di problem solving e decision making.
  • Field project di gruppo: realizzazione di un assignement riferito a una reale situazione di Marketing aziendale.

Metodi di valutazione dell'apprendimento

  Accertamento in itinere Prove parziali Prova generale
  • Prova individuale scritta (tradizionale/online)
  • Lavori/Assignment di gruppo (relazione, esercizio, dimostrazione, progetto etc.)


Le modalità di valutazione sono basate su due elementi:

  1. Progetto sul campo (attività in team): 25% della valutazione complessiva 
  2. Esame finale: 75% della valutazione complessiva


  1. Il progetto sul campo consiste nella realizzazione da parte dei gruppi di studenti di un'innovativa iniziativa di Marketing collegata all'offerta di un'impresa. Il progetto si focalizza su alcune aree di innovazione commerciale, che verranno presentate in dettaglio all’avvio della competizione nel corso del primo Mini Campus con le aziendeTali progetti sono utili per verificare la capacità degli studenti di applicare le conoscenze sviluppate durante il corso e di realizzare un concreto progetto di milgioramento della politica di Marketing di una specifica azienda. I migliori progetti svolti nell’ambito delle singole classi saranno presentati dai team di studenti al management aziendale in una sessione riservata.
  2. L’esame individuale viene svolto in forma scritta. Esso è composto da alcune sintetiche situazioni aziendali, che devono essere risolte dai discenti utilizzando i modelli presentati durante il corso, oltre ad alcune domande multiple choice riferite ai concetti, ai modelli, alle testimonianze, agli incident e ai casi discussi in aula. I mini-casi aziendali sono funzionali a valutare le capacità applicative delle conoscenze apprese durante il corso. Le domande multiple-choice sono prevalentemente rivolte a verificare l’apprendimento delle conoscenze analitiche e gestionali e la loro corretta comprensione.Il testo di riferimento dell'insegnamento riporta, alla fine di ciascun capitolo, alcuni esempi di domande multiple choice. Nella piattaforma online collegata al testo è possibile esercitarsi e individuare le risposte corrette alle domande esemplificative riportate nel testo. L'esame individuale sarà valutato con un punteggio massimo di 31 punti.


La modalità di valutazione per gli studenti non frequentanti è fondata su un esame finale svolto in forma scritta. Esso è composto da brevi casi aziendali oltre ad alcune domande multiple choice riferite ai concetti, ai modelli e ai casi contenuti nei testi e nei materiali d’esame. I casi aziendali sono funzionali soprattutto per valutare le capacità applicative delle conoscenze apprese dai discenti in seguito allo studio del materiale del corso. Le domande  multiple-choice sono prevalentemente rivolte a verificare l’apprendimento delle conoscenze riferite al processo di Marketing management.

Nel libro di testo del corso è  possibile rinvenire, alla fine di ciascun capitolo, alcuni esempi di domande multiple choice. La piattaforma collegata al testo contiene le risposte corrette alle singole domande. L'esame sarà valutato con un punteggio complessivo massimo di 31 punti.

Materiali didattici


S. Castaldo, M. Grosso, Marketing. Creare fiducia con un modello sostenibile, Egea, Milano, 2023.

Casi, incident, esercizi e presentazioni presenti nella piattaforma digitale dell'insegnamento e del libro di riferimento del corso.


S. Castaldo, M. Grosso, Marketing. Creare fiducia con un modello sostenibile, Egea, Milano, 2023.

Casi, presentazioni e materiali riportati nella piattaforma digitale collegata al testo di riferimento del corso.

E. Valdani (a cura di), MarketingRicerche, Experience & Digital, Egea, Milano, 2023



Modificato il 09/05/2024 18:32
BIEM (6 credits - I sem. - OBS  |  12 credits SECS-P/08)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (I sem.) - 32 (I sem.)

Class group/s taught in English

Mission & Content Summary


The course is designed to provide a broad understanding of marketing management and the role of marketing in the society. The course has two main purposes. First, it drives students to understand the basic principles and theories of marketing. Second, it offers students models and tools to manage the exchange process between firms and customers.


The course provides students with a learning experience reflecting the true marketing management process existing within firms.

  1. The first part of the course is dedicated to the diagnostic nature of marketing activity. Here, the course is a walk through the main strategic decisions falling under the marketing domain: developing marketing strategies and plans, capturing marketing insights, understanding consumer and business markets, and identifying targets and segments.
  2. The second part of the course is focused on the implementation side of the marketing, where main strategic policies are concretely realized and oriented to the market: it mainly regards product, pricing, distribution, and communication decisions.

In summary, the main topics covered during the course are the following:

  • Developing marketing strategies and plans.
  • Gathering information and scanning the environment.
  • Gaining Customer Insights.
  • Understanding Consumer markets and consumer buying behavior.
  • Business markets and business buying behavior.
  • Identifying targets and segments.
  • Setting product strategy.
  • Branding
  • Pricing.
  • Managing channel, wholesale and retail.
  • Designing and managing integrated marketing communications.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Understand how marketing creates value for customers, firms and society as a whole
  • Learn how to conduct marketing research.
  • Identify market segments and target appropriate market segments.
  • Explain how companies can reach their desired positioning within the market
  • Discuss the role and evolution of branding strategies
  • Learn how to make decisions related to distribution, products, communications and pricing.


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Apply the appropriate methods and tools to create value for customers and firms
  • Perform a marketing environment analysis.
  • Design marketing research activities
  • Segment the market and target appropriate market segments.
  • Develop a branding strategy
  • Make relevant decisions related to marketing mix (i.e., product decisions, pricing decisions, promotion decisions, and distribution decisions).

Teaching methods

  • Lectures
  • Guest speaker's talks (in class or in distance)
  • Practical Exercises
  • Collaborative Works / Assignments


  • The course involves interactive class activities, in-class exercises and case study discussions for the students to be able to apply frameworks and tools learned during the course. These tools help participants to develop specific recommendations and action plans related to companies’ marketing activities.
  • Lectures: The course consists of lectures. These lectures focus on theoretical aspects of marketing but also on business cases that identify and illustrate practical managerial problems to be analyzed and discussed.
  • Group Assignment: During the term, attending students (only) will hand in one written group assignment work. The elaboration of this assignment will demonstrate students the capability (1) to identify the correct methodology for solving business and management problems, (2) apply those methodologies to real-world decisions. This teaching method mainly aims at teaching to work well in a team environment since this is an essential skill for any successful businessperson or entrepreneur.

Assessment methods

  Continuous assessment Partial exams General exam
  • Written individual exam (traditional/online)
  • Collaborative Works / Assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)


Assessment is based on two components:

1. a written group assignment and presentation (50% of the final grade)

2. a final, individual written exam (50% of the final grade).


1. Written group assignment (50%): Attending students will complete a written marketing plan and presentation in groups. During the first two weeks of the course, during class, your instructor will provide details about the group marketing-plan assignment and groups will be formed. It is therefore extremely important to attend these sessions.


2. Final individual exam (50%): There will be one written final exam. The exam may contain concepts, models, cases, and other materials from some combination of lectures, classroom discussions, and supplementary material provided by the instructor. The instructor will provide concrete information about the content of the final exam in the first class.


ATTENDING STUDENTS can take the exam as an attending student ONLY in the first two exam sessions that are announced. The other exam sessions are for NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS only.


Assessment is based solely on a final, individual written exam (100% of the final grade). The exam will cover the textbook in its entirety, and may consist of a combination of multiple-choice and short-answer questions.

Teaching materials


  • Lecture slides
  • Notes taken during lecture
  • Classroom discussion
  • Cases discussed during lecture
  • Kotler & Armstrong, Principles of Marketing: Global Edition (19th Ed), Pearson Higher Education (selected chapters)


  • Kotler & Armstrong, Principles of Marketing: Global Edition (19th Ed), Pearson Higher Education (all chapters)
Last change 27/05/2024 14:14
CLEF (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - BESS-CLES (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - BIEF (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - BIG (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  12 credits SECS-P/08) - BEMACS (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - BAI (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08)
Course Director:

Classes: 33 (I sem.)

Class group/s taught in English

Mission & Content Summary


The course is designed to provide a broad understanding of marketing management and the role of marketing in the society. The course has two main purposes. First, it drives students to understand the basic principles and theories of marketing. Second, it offers students models and tools to manage the exchange process between firms and customers.


The course provides students with a learning experience reflecting the true marketing management process existing within firms. 


  1. The first part of the course is dedicated to the diagnostic nature of marketing activity. Here, the course is a walk through the main strategic decisions falling under the marketing domain: developing marketing strategies and plans, capturing marketing insights, understanding consumer and business markets, and identifying targets and segments.
  2. The second part of the course is focused on the implementation side of the marketing, where main strategic policies are concretely realized and oriented to the market: it mainly regards product, pricing, distribution, and communication decisions.

In summary, the main topics covered during the course are the following:

  • Developing marketing strategies and plans.
  • Gathering information and scanning the environment.
  • Gaining Customer Insights.
  • Understanding Consumer markets and consumer buying behavior.
  • Business markets and business buying behavior.
  • Identifying targets and segments.
  • Setting product strategy.
  • Branding
  • Pricing.
  • Managing channel, wholesale and retail.
  • Designing and managing integrated marketing communications.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Understand how marketing creates value for customers, firms and society as a whole
  • Learn how to conduct marketing research.
  • Identify market segments and target appropriate market segments.
  • Explain how companies can reach their desired positioning within the market
  • Discuss the role and evolution of branding strategies
  • Learn how to make decisions related to distribution, products, communications and pricing.


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Apply the appropriate methods and tools to create value for customers and firms
  • Perform a marketing environment analysis.
  • Design marketing research activities
  • Segment the market and target appropriate market segments.
  • Develop a branding strategy
  • Make relevant decisions related to marketing mix (i.e., product decisions, pricing decisions, promotion decisions, and distribution decisions).

Teaching methods

  • Lectures
  • Guest speaker's talks (in class or in distance)
  • Practical Exercises
  • Collaborative Works / Assignments


  • The course involves interactive class activities, in-class exercises and case study discussions for the students to be able to apply frameworks and tools learned during the course. These tools help participants to develop specific recommendations and action plans related to companies’ marketing activities.
  • Lectures: The course consists of lectures. These lectures focus on theoretical aspects of marketing but also on business cases that identify and illustrate practical managerial problems to be analyzed and discussed.
  • Group Assignment: During the term, attending students (only) will hand in one written group assignment work. The elaboration of this assignment will demonstrate students the capability (1) to identify the correct methodology for solving business and management problems, (2) apply those methodologies to real-world decisions. This teaching method mainly aims at teaching to work well in a team environment since this is an essential skill for any successful businessperson or entrepreneur.

Assessment methods

  Continuous assessment Partial exams General exam
  • Written individual exam (traditional/online)
  • Collaborative Works / Assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)


Assessment is based on two components:

1. a written group assignment and presentation (50% of the final grade)

2. a final, individual written exam (50% of the final grade).


1. Written group assignment (50%): Attending students will complete a written marketing plan and presentation in groups. During the first two weeks of the course, during class, your instructor will provide details about the group marketing-plan assignment and groups will be formed. It is therefore extremely important to attend these sessions.


2. Final individual exam (50%): There will be one written final exam. The exam may contain concepts, models, cases, and other materials from some combination of lectures, classroom discussions, and supplementary material provided by the instructor. The instructor will provide concrete information about the content of the final exam in the first class.


ATTENDING STUDENTS can take the exam as an attending student ONLY in the first two exam sessions that are announced. The other exam sessions are for NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS only.


Assessment is based solely on a final, individual written exam (100% of the final grade). The exam will cover the textbook in its entirety, and may consist of a combination of multiple-choice and short-answer questions.

Teaching materials


  • Lecture slides
  • Notes taken during lecture
  • Classroom discussion
  • Cases discussed during lecture
  • Kotler & Armstrong, Principles of Marketing: Global Edition (19th Ed), Pearson Higher Education (selected chapters)



  • Kotler & Armstrong, Principles of Marketing: Global Edition (19th Ed), Pearson Higher Education (all chapters)
Last change 27/05/2024 17:24
BIEM (6 credits - II sem. - OBS  |  12 credits SECS-P/08)
Course Director:

Classes: 34 (II sem.)

Class group/s taught in English

Mission & Content Summary


The course is designed to provide a broad understanding of marketing management and the role of marketing in the society. The course has two main purposes. First, it drives students to understand the basic principles of marketing. Second, it offers students models and tools to manage the exchange process between firms and customers.


The course provides students with a learning experience reflecting the true marketing management process existing within firms.

1.  The first part of the course is dedicated to the diagnostic nature of marketing activity. Here, the course is a walk through the main strategic decisions falling under the marketing domain: developing marketing strategies and plans, capturing marketing insights, understanding consumer and business markets, and identifying targets and segments.

2.  The second part of the course is focused on the implementation side of the marketing, where main strategic policies are concretely realized and oriented to the market: it mainly regards product, pricing, distribution, and communication decisions.


In summary, the main topics covered during the course are the following:

  • Developing marketing strategies and plans.
  • Gathering information and scanning the environment.
  • Gaining Customer Insights.
  • Understanding Consumer markets and consumer buying behavior.
  • Business markets and business buying behavior.
  • Identifying targets and segments.
  • Setting product strategy.
  • Branding
  • Pricing.
  • Managing channel, wholesale and retail.
  • Designing and managing integrated marketing communications.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Understand how marketing creates value for customers, firms and society as a whole
  • Learn how to conduct marketing research.
  • Identify market segments and target appropriate market segments.
  • Explain how companies can reach their desired positioning within the market
  • Discuss the role and evolution of branding strategies
  • Learn how to make decisions related to distribution, products, communications and pricing.


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Apply the appropriate methods and tools to create value for customers and firms
  • Perform a marketing environment analysis.
  • Design marketing research activities
  • Segment the market and target appropriate market segments.
  • Develop a branding strategy
  • Make relevant decisions related to marketing mix (i.e., product decisions, pricing decisions, promotion decisions, and distribution decisions).

Teaching methods

  • Lectures
  • Guest speaker's talks (in class or in distance)
  • Practical Exercises
  • Collaborative Works / Assignments


The course involves interactive class activities, in-class exercises and case study discussions for the students to be able to apply frameworks and tools learned during the course. These tools help participants to develop specific recommendations and action plans related to companies’ marketing activities.

Lectures: The course consists of lectures. These lectures focus on theoretical aspects of marketing but also on business cases that identify and illustrate practical managerial problems to be analyzed and discussed.

Group Assignment: During the term, attending students (only) will hand in one written group assignment work. The elaboration of this assignment will demonstrate students the capability (1) to identify the correct methodology for solving business and management problems, (2) apply those methodologies to real-world decisions. This teaching method mainly aims at teaching to work well in a team environment since this is an essential skill for any successful businessperson or entrepreneur.

Assessment methods

  Continuous assessment Partial exams General exam
  • Written individual exam (traditional/online)
  • Collaborative Works / Assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)


Assessment is based on two components:

  • A written group assignment and presentation (50% of the final grade). 
  • A final, individual written exam (50% of the final grade).

1. Written group assignment (50%):

Attending students will complete a written marketing plan and presentation in groups. During the first two weeks of the course, during class, your instructor will provide details about the group marketing-plan assignment and groups will be formed. It is therefore extremely important to attend these sessions.

2. Final individual exam (50%): There will be one written final exam. The exam may contain concepts, models, cases, and other materials from some combination of lectures, classroom discussions, and supplementary material provided by the instructor. The instructor will provide concrete information about the content of the final exam in the class.


ATTENDING STUDENTS can take the exam as an attending student ONLY in the first two exam sessions that are announced. The other exam sessions are for NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS only.


Assessment for the non-attending students is based on a final, individual exam in written form (100% of the final grade).

The exam will cover the textbook in its entirety.

Teaching materials


  • Lecture slides
  • Notes taken during lecture
  • Classroom discussion
  • Cases discussed during lecture
  • Kotler & Armstrong, Principles of Marketing: Global Edition (19th Ed), Pearson Higher Education (selected chapters)


  • Kotler & Armstrong, Principles of Marketing: Global Edition (19th Ed), Pearson Higher Education (all chapters)


Last change 16/12/2024 14:49