Course 2022-2023 a.y.


Department of Management and Technology

Course taught in English
Insegnamento riservato agli studenti CEMS
IM (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/07)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (II sem.)

Suggested background knowledge

Basic knowledge of Organizational Behavior

Mission & Content Summary


Global Leadership aims at supporting students in the discovery and realization of their leadership potential, training their ability to learn from experience for continuous leadership development and enhanced impact in complex and diverse environments. Leadership is framed as an organizational process that "happens" within the Leader-Follower-Context relationship being meant to achieve valuable and sustainable results with and through people acting responsibly. The main determinants of leadership effectiveness are the leader’s abilities to lead him/herself, to connect and constructively interact with his/her followers and to find a dynamic fit with the context in which s/he operates. Considering the globalization of businesses and the urgent call for sustainability, leadership abilities must encompass cultural intelligence and the ability to act with integrity. Overall, Global Leadership wants to be a valuable resource for finding one’s own way to leadership that is one’s personal impact in empowering and engaging people for exceptional performance starting from oneself. Following up with the aim of the CEMS Community of promoting global and responsible citizenship, all activities will be carried out with particular emphasis placed upon: -the pursuit of excellence with high standards of performance and ethical conduct -understanding and drawing upon cultural diversity with respect and empathy -professional responsibility and accountability to society


Following up with the Mission of the course,  Global Leadership addresses the concepts and competences that are mostly critical to operate effectively in a leadership role no matter at which level in the organization, in a global environment and taking on the responsibility to act with integrity and with a concern for  sustainability

The perspective is that of the global people leader who sets the stage for the achievement of stronger employee performance and improved business results by enhancing his/her own engagement and empowerment and that of his/her team members.

The course is structured into three interdependent modules: (1) being a people leader and growing as a people leader: understanding leadership, the challenges that a people leader has to face and the competences that enable leadership effectiveness and learning to develop one’s leadership potential through relevant experience (2) leading self for enhanced impact: self-empowerment and the competences for enhanced personal impact and (3) leading others for optimal performance: setting the stage for people’s engagement, empowerment and effectiveness within global and diverse teams.

Starting from the evidence that “adults are more likely to act their way into a new way of thinking than to think their way into a new way of acting” (Ibarra, 2015) the learning process is built upon the sharing of relevant theories and models and on opportunities to learn from experience to be co-created in class and leveraged on on an individual, peer and team-based way.

Theory and models sharing is meant to enable a thorough and deeper understanding of emerging leadership issues and to “make sense” beyond “common sense” of the emergent and effective leadership dynamics.

Learning from experience that is going through the Experience-Reflection and further Conceptualization cycle,  is meant to enable further experimentation for enhanced continuous learning.

Two are the main assumptions on which the course has been designed:

-the first, leaders who focus on bringing out the best in themselves and in people in the context in which they operate, can transform the way their organizations functions achieving great results in a sustainable way;

-the second one, leadership competencies are built upon self-awareness and self-leadership abilities which represent the conditio sine qua non for the development of people leadership competencies. This is the reason why participants are provided with opportunities to reflect on themselves and on their interpersonal styles both through self-assessment, class discussions and peer coaching session.

The main contens of the Course are:

·       Leader Development: growing as a Leader and the challenges of transitions

·       Leader Development: starting from enhanced self-awareness on the Fundamentals of effective leadership, on Emergent Leadership and on Effective Leadership + Character Strengths and Motives

·       Leading Self: the Assertive Option

·       Leading Teams across cultures

·       Setting the stage for team effectiveness: building and nourishing Psychological Safety, managing energy and stress

·       Leadership styles and their impact team climate and performance

·       Building trust and credibility within the Leader-Follower relationship

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)


At the end of the course student will be able to...


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Have a thorough understanding of global leadership as a process and of the individual and interpersonal skills for enhanced effectiveness
  • Be more self-aware with reference to motives, values and the personal strengths on which they can build their leadership effectiveness
  • Be able to choose the most appropriate leadership style given the situation
  • Refine one’s abilities for managing oneself for enhanced impact
  • Practice an assertive leadership style to set the stage for self and others’ empowerment
  • Understand and act on cross-cultural differences to leverage on them in a inclusive way
  • Build credibility and trust in interpersonal settings
  • Be more effective in learning from experience for the continuous refinement of one’s leadership competenecIes

Teaching methods

  • Face-to-face lectures
  • Guest speaker's talks (in class or in distance)
  • Exercises (exercises, database, software etc.)
  • Case studies /Incidents (traditional, online)
  • Group assignments
  • Interactive class activities (role playing, business game, simulation, online forum, instant polls)


The course aims at being a valuable resource for leadership  concepts' exploration and for learning from experience given that leadership development entails integrating new concepts for a better understanding of leadership challenges and enlarging one's behavioral repertoire for enhanced leadership effectiveness.

Opportunities are created for and co-created with students during the sessions for learning through action, reflection, conceptualization and intentional experimentation both in an individual and collective base.


  • Self-assessment tools are offered to enable increased self-awareness.
  • Exercises are proposed as opportunities for individual reflection and action on leadership competences
  • The group assignment is meant as an opportunity to learn about leadership within the global small team through the activation of  the Action-Reflection-Conceptualization and Intentional Experimentation cycle 
  • Guest speakers are dedicating their time and energy to the Global Leadership class to provide insights on how leadership "works" within organizational contexts and to offer valuable and relevant role models

Assessment methods

  Continuous assessment Partial exams General exam
  • Written individual exam (traditional/online)
  • Group assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)
  • Active class participation (virtual, attendance)
  • Peer evaluation


  • Small Group Assignment (40%): it represents a fundamental component of the learning process according to the mission and goals of the course. The small group assignment is in fact an opportunity to deepen the understanding of one of the most up to date emerging issues in leadership and to practice one’s leadership skills within a team that is by nature global. The rigour and appropriate application of tools and concepts discussed during the course will be evaluated together with the overall effectiveness of the presentation of the main concepts and implications.
  • Written exam: multiple choice on bibliographical material and on topics discussed in class - slide and notes (60%)
  • Peer Evaluation: decrease by 1-3 points /team assignment grade if free-riding behaviors occur
  • Class participation: value added and mode (respectful and constructive) 


Global Leadership is a mandatory course for CEMS students. The status of non attending student must be related to a demonstrated inability to attend to be discussed with the Professor responsabile for the course.

The non attending exam will be oral or written depending upon the number of non attending students enrolled in the exam,  and it will consist of multiple choice and/or open ended questions (written), open ended questions (oral) meant to verify the acquisition and the ability to effectively represent and discuss the main concepts about leading in global environment described in the book (see Teaching Materials)

Teaching materials


  • Slides presented and discussed in class and bibliographical materials uploaded on BBoard or to be searched for (Library or web)
  • Material provided by external guests and available on BBoard
  • Videos and self-assessment materials highlighted in the slides
  • Personal notes


  • Hughes, Ginnet, Curphy, Leadership. Enhancing Lessons from Experience, McGrawHill 2019
Last change 05/12/2022 16:54