Course 2018-2019 a.y.


Department of Management and Technology

La classe 33 e' riservata agli studenti in scambio (incoming)

For the instruction language of the course see class group/s below
Go to class group/s: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 24 - 31 - 32 - 33
CLEAM (7 credits - I sem. - OB  |  SECS-P/07)
Course Director:

Classi: 1 (I sem.) - 2 (I sem.) - 3 (I sem.) - 4 (I sem.) - 5 (I sem.) - 6 (I sem.) - 7 (I sem.) - 8 (I sem.)
Docenti responsabili delle classi:

Classe/i impartita/e in lingua italiana

Mission e Programma sintetico


I risultati aziendali dipendono da numerosi fattori. La strategia individua le determinanti ultime del successo attuale e futuro dell’azienda. Si tratta di un successo aziendale duraturo, non di un successo contingente che poggia su condizioni esterne di particolare favore (come la domanda in forte sviluppo o il basso costo del lavoro), ne’ il successo che trova spiegazione in un vantaggio di prima mossa (destinato anch’esso ad esaurirsi dopo un certo tempo a seguito di imitazioni), è bensì un successo dalle base solidi, riconducibile a fattori strutturali che hanno a che fare, per l’appunto, con la strategia aziendale. A partire da queste premesse, la missione del corso è esplorare i caratteri qualificanti di una buona gestione strategica. In particolare l’insegnamento si propone di introdurre lo studente alla problematica strategica delle aziende a livello del singolo business (o strategia competitiva). Le domande fondamentali intorno a cui esso è progettato sono le seguenti: Perché l'azienda ha successo? Come l'azienda lo ha costruito nel tempo? Il successo di oggi può essere mantenuto in futuro? Come un'azienda, oggi in difficoltà, può reinserirsi in un sentiero di crescita profittevole? Quali attività di set up è opportuno svolgere oggi per avere un successo domani e dopodomani?


Il corso si focalizza sulla concezione della strategia che pone al centro il sistema delle attività. Tale approccio basato sulle attività (o Activity Based View) viene applicato a tutti i problemi di strategia competitiva, siano quelli di analisi e valutazione del posizionamento strategico attuale, di individuazione del vettore di rinnovamento strategico, di gestione del cambiamento strategico.

Il corso è strutturato in tre moduli principali:

La strategia competitiva e la strategia aziendale:

  • Sistema delle attività aziendali e risultati ai diversi livelli.
  • Attività correnti e attività di set up.

La strategia competitiva attuale:

  • Analisi del sistema competitivo.
  • Analisi del vantaggio competitivo di costo e di prezzo.
  • Analisi delle strategie di focalizzazione.
  • Valutazione della strategia realizzata e difendibilità del vantaggio competitivo.

La strategia competitiva futura:

  • Analisi del cambiamento del sistema competitivo e attività di set up.
  • Valutazione del vettore di rinnovamento strategico.

Risultati di Apprendimento Attesi (RAA)


Al termine dell'insegnamento, lo studente sarà in grado di...

Dopo aver completato con successo il corso, lo studente avrà acquisito conoscenze relative alle logiche di analisi e definizione delle strategie aziendali. In particolare, lo studente sarà in grado di:

  • Riconoscere le strategie competitive di successo (e quelle di insuccesso) realizzate dalle aziende.
  • Identificare le attività correnti e quelle di set up.
  • Spiegare il rapporto esistente fra strategie e risultati (competitivi, reddituali e sociali) attuali e futuri dell’azienda.


Al termine dell'insegnamento, lo studente sarà in grado di...

Dopo aver completato con successo il corso lo studente avrà acquisito la capacità di applicare le conoscenze strategiche alla realtà aziendale. In particolare lo studente sarà in grado di:

  • Analizzare l’impatto delle scelte di strategia competitiva sui risultati (competitivi, reddituali e sociali) dell’azienda.
  • Effettuare una analisi di settore allo scopo di assimilare le logiche e i processi di formazione delle strategie competitive.
  • Applicare gli strumenti di analisi e valutazione della strategia realizzata nelle aziende monobusiness e nelle aree strategiche d’affari delle aziende multibusiness.
  • Valutare la sostenibilità del vantaggio competitivo in una azienda utilizzando tutta la strumentazione concettuale dell’analisi strategica proposta sia dalla visione basata sulle attività (ABV), sia dalla visione basata sulle risorse (RBV).
  • Applicare gli strumenti di formulazione della strategia futura al fine di prendere decisioni coerenti riguardo il vettore di rinnovamento strategico efficace.
  • Sviluppare diverse soluzioni alternative ai problemi strategici presentati nei casi aziendali, utilizzando la propria capacità di valutazione e giudizio della strategia aziendale.
  • Dimostrare capacità di lavoro di squadra nella soluzione di reali problemi strategici, oltre che abilità nel saper presentare e comunicare con efficacia i vettori di rinnovamento strategici individuati.

Modalità didattiche

  • Lezioni frontali
  • Esercitazioni (esercizi, banche dati, software etc.)
  • Analisi casi studio / Incidents guidati (tradizionali, multimediali)
  • Lavori/Assignment di gruppo


Il corso si propone di sviluppare un processo di apprendimento basato, oltre che su lezioni frontali, su discussione di casi, lavori di gruppo e test svolti in aula con il supporto della piattaforma Bboard.

  • Gli argomenti trattati sono sviluppati prendendo spunto soprattutto dallo studio di casi aziendali reali.
  • Durante il corso vengono assegnati lavori di analisi e valutazione specifici relativamente ai casi aziendali proposti: agli studenti, organizzati in gruppi, è richiesto di rispondere a domande precise tese ad applicare i concetti appresi nella realtà descritta nel caso. A tal riguardo ci si avvale anche di test proposti mediante Bboard.
  • I lavori di gruppo e i test fanno parte della valutazione finale dello studente (vedi sezione successiva). La partecipazione attiva in classe è tenuta in considerazione ai fini del voto complessivo.
  • Tenuto conto che la metodologia d’insegnamento è particolarmente basata sull’interazione e la partecipazione in classe, la frequenza è fortemente sollecitata.

Metodi di valutazione dell'apprendimento

  Accertamento in itinere Prove parziali Prova generale
  • Prova individuale scritta (tradizionale/online)
  • Assignment di gruppo (relazione, esercizio, dimostrazione, progetto etc.)
  • Partecipazione in aula (virtuale, fisica)


Al fine di accertare l’acquisizione da parte dello studente dei risultati di apprendimento sopra richiamati, la valutazione si basa su tre componenti principali:

  1. L’esame finale scritto (voto massimo 30) basato su un caso aziendale di cui si richiede l’analisi e la valutazione della strategia competitiva realizzata dall’azienda descritta nel caso e la identificazione di strategie future che possono essere realizzate con successo dalla stessa azienda. Lo scopo di tale esame, quindi, è la verifica non solo dei contenuti appresi ma, anche e soprattutto, della capacità di applicarli nella soluzione di problemi reali.
  2. I lavori di gruppo (che portano ad un incremento di voto fino a due punti ai partecipanti dei gruppi i cui lavori sono risultati migliori) sono finalizzati a sperimentare l’applicazione dei contenuti proposti alla realtà aziendale.
  3. La partecipazione di classe che è premiata con l’incremento di un punto, limitatamente ai 5 studenti che hanno meglio interagito con l’aula mediante interventi rilevanti, coerenti con la dinamica della discussione e persuasivi per i colleghi. Gli studenti frequentanti firmano un “patto d’aula” in cui si impegnano ad una frequenza assidua e attiva.


Esame scritto (100% del voto finale), consistente in un insieme di domande a risposta aperta e di domande a risposta chiusa relative agli argomenti presenti nei due libri di testo per i non frequentanti. Tale insieme di domande ha lo scopo di valutare il grado di apprendimento dello studente con riferimento ai principali concetti e modelli teorici, nonché ai metodi e agli strumenti presentati in dettaglio nei libri, così come l’abilità nell’analizzarne le implicazioni, facendo riferimento a casi aziendali conosciuti dallo studente e/o descritti nei libri di testo.

Materiali didattici


  • V. CODA, G. INVERNIZZI, P. RUSSO, La strategia aziendale, McGraw-Hill, 2017 (i capitoli e le appendici indicate nel syllabus).
  • I CASI AZIENDALI discussi in classe e pubblicati sulla piattaforma Bboard.


  •  V. CODA, G. INVERNIZZI, P. RUSSO, La strategia aziendale, McGraw-Hill, 2017 (tutti i capitoli e le appendici).
  • J. PERFETTI, L’impresa concentrica: strategie competitive ai tempi del caos, Milano, McGraw-Hill, 2016.
Modificato il 28/06/2018 07:12
CLEF (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/07) - BESS-CLES (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/07) - BIEF (6 credits - II sem. - OBCUR  |  SECS-P/07) - BIEM (6 credits - II sem. - OB  |  SECS-P/07) - BIG (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/07) - BEMACS (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/07)
Course Director:

Classes: 15 (II sem.) - 16 (II sem.) - 17 (II sem.) - 18 (II sem.) - 31 (II sem.) - 32 (II sem.)

Class group/s taught in English


This is an introductory course, therefore there is no formal prerequisite. Students should be familiar with the fundamentals of management and microeconomics.

Mission & Content Summary


Business strategy is concerned with answering two central questions: “How and where should a business compete?” In this course, we consider analytical techniques for diagnosing the competitive position of a business, evaluating business strategies, and identifying what organization form a business should take. These concepts and frameworks help you to structure complex problems in business strategy and provide a solid foundation for strategic decision making.


The course focuses on specific topics related to competitive and corporate strategy:

Core concepts in business strategy:

  • The Notion of competitive cdvantage.
  • The Institutional and the competitive environment.
  • Generic strategies.
  • Resources and competences.

From competitive advantage to sustainable competitive advantage:

  • Industry Dynamics.
  • Vertical Integration.
  • Diversification.
  • Internationalization.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Recall the main concepts of business strategy.
  • Status of attractiveness of an industry.
  • A firm’s strategy in the context of the competitive forces and the dynamics of its industry.
  • The sources of a firm’s competitive advantage.
  • The sustainability of a firm’s competitive advantage.
  • A firm’s growth option.
  • The outcomes of strategic decisions.


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Apply the main concepts of business strategy to real life cases and strategic decisions.
  • Describe the status of attractiveness of an industry.
  • Analyze a firm’s strategy in the context of the competitive forces and the dynamics of its industry.
  • Identify the sources of a firm’s competitive advantage.
  • Assess the sustainability of a firm’s competitive advantage.
  • Identify and evaluate a firm’s growth option.
  • Measure the outcomes of strategic decisions.
  • Develop teamwork skills.
  • Produce in-depth but synthetic strategic analysis of a company.
  • Develop presentation skills.
  • Work under time pressure.

Teaching methods

  • Face-to-face lectures
  • Exercises (exercises, database, software etc.)
  • Case studies /Incidents (traditional, online)
  • Group assignments


Lessons are organized as follows:

  • For longer sessions half of the lesson is an interactive lecture based on text books as well as examples from the business press and the professor’s work and academic experiences. The other half of the lesson is spent solving a case study in teams (for potential regular sessions one entire session is devoted to theory/lecture and the following session on solving a case study in teams).
  • Throughout the class, students may also be asked to answer questions, to interact with the professor and other students, and conduct in-class exercises. The professor is present to discuss problems with students, but the cases must be solved in teams. Students are expected to be familiar with the topic of the day, and ask questions to the professor in order to prepare for case assignments. Lessons always start on time and the professor remains available to answer any questions for the duration of the lesson.

Attendance: for attending students, attendance is mandatory for the entire class and is kept by the professor.

Assessment methods

  Continuous assessment Partial exams General exam
  • Written individual exam (traditional/online)
  • Group assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)
x x  
  • Active class participation (virtual, attendance)


With the purpose of measuring the acquisition of the above-mentioned learning outcomes the student assessment is based on three main components:

  1. Course Final Exam: the final exam in this course is a written exam that tests students’ application of course materials by asking them to solve a case. All following exams are oral and are conducted with multiple course professors. Final exams are graded out of 32 and count for 60% of the final grade.
  2. Course Pressure Test: teams are asked to solve a pressure test that counts 10% of the final grade and is graded out of 32 points. The pressure test is a timed case assignment to be solved in teams.
  3. Class presentation: the presentation project assignment is to identify a firm, analyze its industry and recent historical profitability, and assess its prospects for achieving superior performance over the next five years within a specific line of business. The grade is in 32 points and it counts 30% of the final grade. Any suggestion to replace it by some kind of participation grade is very welcome.


Written exam, (100% of the finale grade) based on a case-study and a mix of open and closed questions on the case which aim to assess the student’s learning level of the main concepts, methods and tools detailed in the teaching material as well as the ability to analyze some implications related to them through their application to the case study. It is the exact same exam as for attending students, with two additional questions on the extra book chapters.

Teaching materials


  • Case studies and reading materials uploaded on the e-learning platform.
  • R. GRANT, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, Wiley, 2016, 9th Edition (selected chapters).


  • R. GRANT, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, Wiley, 2016, 9th Edition (selected chapters).
Last change 18/06/2018 09:32
WBB (8 credits - II sem. - OB  |  SECS-P/07)
Course Director:

Classes: 24 (II sem.)

Class group/s taught in English


This is an introductory course, therefore there is no formal prerequisite. Students should be familiar with the fundamentals of management and microeconomics.

Mission & Content Summary


The focus of this course is on how managers can enhance and sustain superior business performance by making sound strategic decisions. The course covers analytical and conceptual models that help in the development of business strategy. The main goal of the course is, in fact, to improve students’ analytical skills and to foster the development of strategic thinking.


This course is designed to expose students to fundamental and advanced topics in business strategy and enable them to analyze business situations from the point of view of the practicing general manager. General managers engage in identifying opportunities and threats in the competitive environment, developing and allocating critical resources, and interacting with competitors. They also identify opportunities for forming strategic alliances and plan how to create and capture value from alliances, especially when collaborating with competitors. The course also reveals how managers should negotiate alliance agreements and govern the firm’s alliance portfolio.

Course Content Summary:

  • What is strategy?
  • Industry analysis.
  • Competitive dynamics and co-opetition.
  • Cost leadership.
  • Differentiation advantage.
  • Creating value from resources and capabilities.
  • Sustainability of competitive advantage.
  • Motivation for alliance formation.
  • Selecting the right partners.
  • Creating and capturing value from alliances.
  • Collaborating with competitors.
  • Negotiating and governing alliances.
  • Managing alliance portfolios.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Understand and be able to deal with basic strategy concepts.
  • Understand the framework of value creation/value capture.
  • Understand the main threats to the sustainability of competitive advantage.
  • Understand how to form and manage strategic alliances.


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Apply basic strategy tools and frameworks to analyze complex business situations.
  • Formulate a strategy for a business that will help address the challenges posed by the competitive environment of the firm.
  • Formulate a strategy for a business that will aid the firm with its strategic decision-making and efforts to create and maintain competitive advantage overtime.
  • Formulate a cooperative strategy for developing and managing the firm's strategic alliances.

Teaching methods

  • Face-to-face lectures
  • Case studies /Incidents (traditional, online)
  • Individual assignments
  • Group assignments
  • Interactive class activities (role playing, business game, simulation, online forum, instant polls)


  • Case studies: a real-world case is assigned to each session as a basis for class discussion.
  • Individual assignments: students' contribution to class discussion is assessed on an individual basis. Occasional quizzes are submitted individually.
  • Group assignments: case analyses and some in-class assignments are conducted in groups.
  • Interactive class activities: the case discussion is interactive.

Assessment methods

  Continuous assessment Partial exams General exam
  • Individual assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)
  • Group assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)
  • Active class participation (virtual, attendance)


The final grade consists of these elements:

  • Class attendance is mandatory. Students are allowed to miss only one session.
  • 20% of the grade is based on class participation.
  • 80% of the grade based on six group case analyses.
  • There is no final exam but students still need to enrol in the first available exam session to have their grade registered.


An individual project involving analysis of the competitive environment and the internal organization of a real company. The grade is based on an oral presentation of the project following the conclusion of the course.

  • A sufficient grade in the project is required in order to pass the course.
  • There is no final exam but students still need to enrol in the first available exam session to have their grade registered.

Teaching materials


  • R. GRANT, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 8th edition.
  • Additional readings and case studies available on the Bboard platform.


  • R. GRANT, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 8th edition.
Last change 06/06/2018 23:43
CLMG (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/07)
Course Director:

Classes: 33 (I sem.)

Class group/s taught in English


Although there are no formal prerequisites for this course, it is an integrative course that builds on prior knowledge in functional areas of economics, marketing, finance, and operations management. Students that have taken courses in these four domains benefit more from the course and are able to better cope with the content and assignments. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that students take the business strategy course after having taken prior courses in these four domains.

Mission & Content Summary


The focus of this course is on how managers can enhance and sustain superior business performance by making sound strategic decisions. The course covers analytical and conceptual models that help in the development of business strategy. The main goal of the course is, in fact, to improve students’ analytical skills and to foster the development of strategic thinking.


This course is designed to expose students to fundamental and advanced topics in business strategy and enable them to analyze business situations from the point of view of the practicing general manager. General managers engage in identifying opportunities and threats in the competitive environment, developing and allocating critical resources, and interacting with competitors. They also identify opportunities for forming strategic alliances and plan how to create and capture value from alliances, especially when collaborating with competitors. The course also reveal how managers should negotiate alliance agreements and govern the firm’s alliance portfolio.

Course Content Summary:

  • What is strategy?
  • Industry analysis.
  • Competitive dynamics and co-opetition.
  • Cost leadership.
  • Differentiation advantage.
  • Creating value from resources and capabilities.
  • Sustainability of competitive advantage.
  • Motivation for alliance formation.
  • Selecting the right partners.
  • Creating and capturing value from alliances.
  • Collaborating with competitors.
  • Negotiating and governing alliances.
  • Managing alliance portfolios.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Understand and be able to deal with basic strategy concepts.
  • Understand the framework of value creation/value capture.
  • Understand the main threats to the sustainability of competitive advantage.
  • Understand how to form and manage strategic alliances.


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Apply basic strategy tools and frameworks to analyze complex business situations.
  • Formulate a strategy for a business that will help address the challenges posed by the competitive environment of the firm.
  • Formulate a strategy for a business that will aid the firm with its strategic decision-making and efforts to create and maintain competitive advantage overtime.
  • Formulate a cooperative strategy for developing and managing the firm's strategic alliances.

Teaching methods

  • Face-to-face lectures
  • Case studies /Incidents (traditional, online)
  • Individual assignments
  • Group assignments
  • Interactive class activities (role playing, business game, simulation, online forum, instant polls)


  • Case studies: a real-world case is assigned to each session as a basis for class discussion.
  • Individual assignments: students' contribution to class discussion is assessed on an individual basis. Occasional quizzes are submitted individually.
  • Group assignments: case analyses and some in-class assignments are conducted in groups.
  • Interactive class activities: the case discussion is interactive.

Assessment methods

  Continuous assessment Partial exams General exam
  • Individual assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)
  • Group assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)
  • Active class participation (virtual, attendance)


The final grade consists of these elements:

  • Class attendance is mandatory. Students are allowed to miss only one session.
  • 20% of the grade is based on class participation.
  • 80% of the grade based on five group case analyses.
  • There is no exam.


An individual project involving analysis of the competitive environment and the internal organization of a real company.

  • The grade is based on an oral presentation of the project following the conclusion of the course.
  • A sufficient grade in the project is required in order to pass the course.

Teaching materials


  • R. GRANT, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 8th edition.
  • Additional readings and case studies available on the Bboard platform.


  • R. GRANT, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 8th edition.
Last change 06/06/2018 23:45