Associate Professor of Corporate Finance Practice, SDA Bocconi School of Management
Director, Corporate Welfare Lab, SDA Bocconi School of Management
Director, Master in Corporate Finance, SDA Bocconi School of Management (16-17-18-19-20-21 Editions)
Director, Executive Master in Corporate Finance & Banking, SDA Bocconi School of Management (8-9 Editions)
My Academic CV (download here)
Financial Markets and Institutions (30006) - Bachelor in Management and Finance
Master of Science (M.Sc.):
Venture Capital and Valuation (20453) - M.Sc. in Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology
Master Post-Graduate e Post-Experience:
Master in Corporate Finance (MCF) - "Corporate valuation", "Private Equity & Venture Capital"
Executive Master in Business Administration (EMBAS-EMBAWE) - "Valutazione e struttura finanziaria", "Finanza per l'innovazione"
ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH INTERESTS: Finance, Corporate Finance, Private Equity & Venture Capital, Capital Markets, Fintech.
Recent publications
Articles in international peer reviewed journals:
- "Diversification and size in venture capital investing", (with Teti E. Gurak A.), Eurasian Business Review, Springer Eds., forthcoming, 2024. (Impact factor: 3,5).
- "Detangling the role of environmental, social, and governance factors on M&A performance", (with Teti E., Bonsi P.), Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Wiley & Sons, Eds.,Vol 29, Issue 5, 2022. (Impact factor: 8.464).
- “Investor Protection and Value Creation in Cross-Border M&As by emerging economies”, (with Etro L.L., Teti E.), Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, Wiley & Sons, Eds, Vol. 29, Issue 1, 2018. (Impact factor: 2.808).
- “The Economic Significance of the Film Business: An empirical analysis of the Italian market”, (with Etro L.L., Teti E.), Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol. 60, Issue 3, 2018.
- “The Impact of Board Independency, CEO Duality and CEO Fixed Compensation on M&A Performance”, (with Etro L.L., Teti E.), Corporate Governance. International Journal of Business in Society, Emerald Insights Eds., Vol. 7, Issue 5, 2017. (Winner of the “Highly Commended on Emerald Literati Awards 2018”).
- “International Portfolio Diversification”, (with Etro L.L., Teti E., Ruilei J.), International Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol. 7, N.4, 2017.
- “Corporate governance and the cost of equity. Empirical evidence from Latin American companies”, (with Etro L.L., Teti E., Resmini F.), Corporate Governance. International Journal of Business in Society, Emerald Insight Eds., Vol. 16, Issue 5, 2016.
- “Relationship lending, credit market concentration and the cost of debt”, (with Bonini S., Fungo M., Kysucky V.), International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier Eds, Vol. 45, pp. 172-179, 2016. (Impact factor: 8.235).
- “Corporate social performance and portfolio management”, (with Etro L.L., Teti E., Andreoletti L.B.), Journal of Management Development, Emerald Insight Eds, 34:19, pp. 1144-1160, 2015.
- “IPO underpricing and aftermarket performance in Italy”, (with Etro L.L. Teti E., Murri M.), Journal of Economic and Financial Studies, LAR Centre Press, 1:5, pp.30-45, 2014.
- “Market value and corporate debt. The 2006-2010 international evidence”, (with Etro L.L., Teti E., Barbalace P.), Applied Financial Economics (now Applied Economics), Taylor & Francis Eds, 23:6, pp.495-504, 2013.
- “UN PRI and Private Equity Returns”, (with Teti E., Zocchi F.), Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Business Perspectives Eds, Vol. 9, Issue 3, pp. 60-67, 2012.
- “Cross country industry betas”, (with Etro L.L., Teti E., Boero M.), Corporate Ownership and Control, VirtusInterpress Eds, Vol. 10, Issue 10, pp. 629-643, 2012.
- “Conference calls and volatility in the Post Reg-FD Era”, (with Caselli S., Perrini F.), European Financial Management, Wiley & Sons Eds, 16:2, pp. 256-270, 2010. (Impact factor: 2.295).
- Startup Finance (with Shehata J.), 2nd Edition, Egea Milano, 2023.
- Startup Finance (with Shehata J.), Egea Milano, 2021.
- Debt Management, 2nd Edition, Egea Milano, 2020.
- Corporate Debt Management, Bocconi University Press, Milano, 2018.
- Debt Management, Egea Milano, 2017.