

  • Strategy, Valuation, and Forecast Accuracy: Evidence from Italian Strategic Plan Disclosures, con S.P. Baginski, S. Bozzolan e P. Mazzola. European Accounting Review. Forthcoming
  • Pros and Cons Debate on Fair Value Accounting in a Globalized Economy: A Never Ending Story?. Journal of Accouting Auditin and Finance. Forthcoming.
  • Comment Letter Frequency and CEO Turnover: a Dynamic Survival Analysis. Journal of Accountig Audiing and Finance. 2015. M. Gietzmann e A.K. Pettinicchio.
  • Are There Adverse Consequences of Mandatory Auditor Rotation? Evidence from the Italian Experience. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. 2014. con M. Cameran, J. Francis, e A.K. Pettinicchio.
  • Is Corporate Board more effective under IFRS? or is "Just an illusion", Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance. 2014. con P. Mazzola.
  • Corporate Boards, Audit Committees and Earnings Management: US recent evidence. Journal of Business, Finance, and Accounting. 2010. con A. Ghosh e D. Moon.
  • Corporate Governance and Earnings Management pre and post IFRS, The International Journal of Accounting, 2011, con P. Mazzola e A.
Last change 12/11/2016