Working papers


  1. Determinants of Earnings Quality: The Role of Corporate Information System. With E. Bartov,  A. Dossi & A. Pettinicchio. Working Paper (WP)
  2. Is Not Gold All that Glitter. Board Independence and Earnings Quality: Beyond Formal Independence. WP
  3. CFO Style and Accounting Quality. Country of origin, economic ideology and education effect in a cross-country sample. WP
  4. Don't Judge a Book by its Cover. The Influence of Independent Directors Busyness and Tenure on Earnings Quality. With P. Mazzola. WP
  5. The Effect of Fair Value Accounting on Firm Public Debt – Evidence from Business Combinations under Common Control. With R. Shalev & M. Bonacchi. WP
  6. The Role of Management Cultural Values. Cross-Border M&A frequency and Efficiency. With A. Pettinicchio. WP
  7. Earnings Quality Private versus Public. Business Group versus Stand Alone firms. With P. Zarowin & M. Bonacchi. WP
  8. Accruals versus Real Manipulation: Companies Opportunistic Preferences to Influence Credit Ratings Changes. With E. Ferracuti & A. Pettinicchio. WP
  9. Goodwill Impairment and CEO Pay in the European Banking Industry. With A. Caglio & A. Pettinicchio. WP
Last change 22/01/2019