I was born in 1972 in Ferrara, where I got in 1996 a Law degree with a dissertation on J.J. Rousseau's concept of volonté générale. Then I became interested in the philosophical school of Pragmatism and lived in Turin and Paris, working on a PhD dissertation on C.S. Peirce's theory of inference.

After the PhD I spent a research period at the University of Lausanne, mainly working in the field of philosophy of science, and a period at the University of Ferrara with a research grant on legal and literary fictions.

From 2007 to 2014 I was an Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Law at Bocconi, where I've been teaching Philosophy of Law, Legal Argumentation, Legal Hermeneutics and Economic Analysis of Law.

From 2014 to 2019 I was an Associate Professor and since 2019 I am a Full Professor of Philosophy of Law at Bocconi.

I have been a Visting Scholar at the Yale Law School (2008), the Oxford Faculty of Law (2009) and the Northwestern School of Law in Chicago (2012).

My main research interests include Legal Reasoning, Legal Argumentation, Law and Economics, Pragmatism and Epistemology.

For more details, see below the complete CV in English. I also attach, to give you an idea of what I wrote, some pages from my 2006 book, "La prima inferenza".

What else? I love literature, I published some collections of poetry, a book of short stories (La città ideale, 2017) and a booklet of literary and philosophical essays (A regola d'arte, 2007). Last but not least, in the 90s I played the double bass in a jazz duo (Barbieri-Tuzet).



This is the book of short stories


This is my last book of poetry


This is a book of versions of French poetry from the end of XIX/beginning of XX century


This is the booklet of essays in literature and philosophy

Last change 05/11/2019