Other publications

Book Chapters 

2007. “The evolution of networks in the chemical industry”, in L. Galambos, T. Hikino, V. Zamagni e (eds.), Global Chemical Industry Since the Petrochemical Revolution, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, (with F. Cesaroni e A. Gambardella), pp. 21-52

2006. “Firm and Regional Determinants in Innovation Models: Evidence from Biotechnology and Traditional Chemicals”, in G. Dosi e M. Mazzucato (eds.), Knowledge Accumulation and Industry Evolution: the Case of Pharma-Biotech, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 112-144

2004. “Technological Diversification and Strategic Alliances”, in J. Cantwell, A. Gambardella e O. Grandstrand (eds.), The Economics and Management of Technological Diversification, Routledge, London, UK, (with P. Giuri e J. Hagedoorn), pp. 116-151

2004. “Research Collaborations among Inventors and the Location of R&D in the European Chemical Industry”, in F. Cesaroni, A. Gambardella e W. Garcia-Fontes (eds.), R&D, Innovation and Competitiveness in the European Chemical Industry, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, NL, pp. 119-143

2004. “The Chemical Sectoral System. Firms, Markets, Institutions and the Processes of Knowledge Creation and Diffusion”, in F. Malerba (eds.), Sectoral Systems of Innovation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, (with F. Cesaroni, A. Gambardella  e W. Garcia-Fontes), pp. 121-154

2001. “The Market for Knowledge in the Chemical Sector”, in B. Guilhon (eds.), Technology and Markets for Knowledge. Knowledge Creation, Diffusion and Exchange within a Growing Economy, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, NL (with F. Cesaroni), pp. 71-97


Research reports

2005. “Study on evaluating the knowledge economy - what are patents actually worth?” Report for the European Commission, DG Internal Market, Contract n° MARKT/2004/09/E (with M. Ceccagnoli, A. Gambardella, P. Giuri and G. Licht).

2005. “The value of European patents. Evidence from a survey of European inventors”, Final Report for the European Commission of the Patval EU Project, DG Research, Contract HPV2-CT-2001-00013, (with A. Gambardella and P. Giuri).

2001. “Innovation and competitiveness in biotechnology. A European perspective. Report for the European Commission”, DG Enterprise, as a background paper for the Competitiveness Report (with A. Allansdottir, A. Bonaccorsi, A. Gambardella, L. Orsenigo, F. Pammolli e M. Riccaboni)

2000. “Networks of inventors in the chemical industry”, MERIT Research Memorandum series, 2/20-014, Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation and Technology, Maastricht, NL (


Last change 07/10/2018