BERTOLINI ELISA, VINCENZO FRANCESCHELLI, ORESTE POLLICINO Antonio Gambaro(cur.),Italian National Reports To the XIXXIX International Congress of Comparative L
Last change 03/11/2014
The ombudsman in the German legal system (2013)
BERTOLINI ELISA in Difesa civica in Europa ed in Italia, Provincia di Lecce, pp. 17-34
Last change 21/07/2017
Towards a new protection of personal data: analysis of the reform drafts of the European discipline (2012)
BERTOLINI ELISA in Ferrari (cur.), La tutela dei dati personali in Italia 15 anni dopo, Egea, pp. 125-150
Last change 21/07/2017
The protection of copyright and intellectual property on the social networks (2012)
BERTOLINI ELISA in Mazzaro,Pollicino(cur.),Tutela del copyright e della privacy sul web:quid iuris?,Aracne,pp.87-115
Last change 21/07/2017
The Nationality Law: Problematic Aspects and Recent Doubts of the Supreme Court (2011)
BERTOLINI ELISA in Colombo(cur.),Giappone:un diritto originale alla prova della globalizzazione,Cafoscarina,pp.17-36
Last change 21/07/2017
Japan: Linguistic Transitions as a Condition for the Introduction of a Western Legal System (2008)
BERTOLINI ELISA in Groppi, Piergigli, Rinella (eds.), Asian Constitutionalism in Transition, Giuffrè, pp. 145-159