About me

Emanuela Prandelli is Associate Professor of Management at Bocconi University. She holds a Ph.D. in Management and served as a Research Assistant at St.Gallen University, year 1998, and at the Research Center on Technology, Innovation, and eCommerce of the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, year 1999. She also was Visiting Professor at Kellogg in 2001.

She is Senior Lecturer at SDA Bocconi School of Management, where she teaches innovation management and technology marketing. In 2008 she was prized as the best teacher of the Marketing Department at SDA Bocconi in 2007.

Her research focus regards collaborative innovation, distributed systems supporting new product development, and technology and knowledge brokering.She permanently develops her research projects in collaboration with the Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University and the User Innovation Group of the MIT, Boston.

She published several books and articles in leading international journals, such as California Management Review, Organization Studies, Journal of Interactive Marketing, MIT Sloan Management Review, European Management Journal, Communications of the Association for Information Systems,. She won the 2001 Accenture Award for the best paper published in California Management Review in 2000.She also was Runner-up for JIM’s 2006 Award for the Best Paper published in the Journal of Interactive Marketing in 2005.

Her Ph.D. Disseration was prized by Booz Allen & Hamilton and financed by the Marketing Science Institute of Cambridge. She also got the award for distinctive academic research from Bocconi University for the results achieved during the periods 2001-2003 and 2005-2007.

Last change 27/04/2009