

Full Professor of Management, Università degli Studi di Brescia



Academic CV

Antonio Tencati is Full Professor of Management at the Department of Economics and Management, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy.

He earned his PhD in Corporate Social Responsibility from De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.

He also serves at the Department of Management and Technology, Università Bocconi, Milan, Italy, and collaborates with the Technology and Operations Management Unit, SDA Bocconi School of Management.

Tencati is a member of the Business Ethics Faculty Group of the CEMS (Community of European Management Schools−The Global Alliance in Management Education).



Business and Society, Management of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Management, Innovation and Operations Management.


Antonio Tencati – Google Scholar Citations



Articles (published in international journals)

  1. Tencati A., Pogutz S., Moda B., Brambilla M., Cacia C., [2016], “Prevention Policies Addressing Packaging and Packaging Waste: Some Emerging Trends”, Waste Management, 56, pp. 35-45. 
  2. Tencati A., Pogutz S., [2015], “Recognizing the Limits: Sustainable Development, Corporate Sustainability and the Need for Innovative Business Paradigms”, Sinergie, Italian Journal of Management, 96, pp. 37-55. 
  3. Tencati A., Zsolnai L., [2012], “Collaborative Enterprise and Sustainability: The Case of Slow Food”, Journal of Business Ethics, 110(3), pp. 345-354. 
  4. Zsolnai L., Junghagen S., Tencati A., [2012], “Redefining the Roles and Duties of Management”, Journal of Global Responsibility, 3(1), pp. 121-133.
  5. Perrini F., Russo A., Tencati A., Vurro C., [2011], “Deconstructing the Relationship between Corporate Social and Financial Performance”, Journal of Business Ethics, 102(Supplement 1), pp. 59-76.
  6. Perrini F., Castaldo S., Misani N., Tencati A., [2010], “The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Associations on Trust in Organic Products Marketed by Mainstream Retailers: a Study of Italian Consumers”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 19(8), pp. 512-526.
  7. Tencati A., Russo A., Quaglia V., [2010], “Sustainability along the Global Supply Chain: The Case of Vietnam”, Social Responsibility Journal, 6(1), pp. 91-107.
  8. Zollo M., Minoja M., Casanova L., Hockerts K., Neergard P., Schneider S., Tencati A., [2009], “Towards an Internal Change Management Perspective of CSR: Evidence from Project RESPONSE on the Sources of Cognitive Alignment between Managers and Their Stakeholders, and Their Implications for Social Performance”, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 9(4), pp. 355-372.
  9. Castaldo S., Perrini F., Misani N., Tencati A., [2009], “Corporate Social Responsibility in the Retailing Industry: A Trust-based Model of its Effects on Consumer Behaviour with regard to Organic Food”, Finanza Marketing e Produzione, 27(2), pp. 50- 64.
  10. Tencati A., Zsolnai L., [2009], “The Collaborative Enterprise”, Journal of Business Ethics, 85(3), pp. 367-376.
  11. Russo A., Tencati A., [2009], “Formal vs. Informal CSR Strategies: Evidence from Italian Micro, Small, Medium-sized, and Large Firms”, Journal of Business Ethics, 85(Supplement 2), pp. 339-353.
  12. Castaldo S., Perrini F., Misani N., Tencati A., [2009], “The Missing Link Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Consumer Trust: The Case of Fair Trade Products”, Journal of Business Ethics, 84(1), pp. 1-15.
  13. Tencati A., Russo A., Quaglia V., [2008], “Unintended Consequences of CSR: Protectionism and Collateral Damage in Global Supply Chains: The Case of Vietnam”, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 8(4), pp. 518-531.
  14. Albareda L., Lozano J.M., Tencati A., Midttun A., Perrini F., [2008], “The Changing Role of Governments in Corporate Social Responsibility: Drivers and Responses”, Business Ethics: A European Review, 17(4), pp. 347-363.
  15. Pivato S., Misani N., Tencati A., [2008], “The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Trust: The Case of Organic Food”, Business Ethics: A European Review, 17(1), pp. 3-12.
  16. Perrini F., Russo A., Tencati A., [2007], “CSR Strategies of SMEs and Large Firms. Evidence from Italy”, Journal of Business Ethics, 74(3), pp. 285-300.
  17. Lenssen G., Perrini F., Tencati A., Lacy P., [2007], “Corporate Responsibility and Strategic Management. Guest Editorial”, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 7(4), pp. 344-354.
  18. Perrini F., Tencati A., [2007], “Corporate Sustainability, Strategic Management and the Stakeholder View of the Firm. Guest Editorial”, Finanza Marketing e Produzione, 25(3), pp. 5-7.
  19. Albareda L., Tencati A., Lozano J.M., Perrini F., [2006], “The Government’s Role in Promoting Corporate Responsibility: A Comparative Analysis of Italy and UK from the Relational State Perspective”, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 6(4), pp. 386-400.
  20. Perrini F., Tencati A., [2006], “Sustainability and Stakeholder Management: the Need for New Corporate Performance Evaluation and Reporting Systems”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 15(5), pp. 296-308.
  21. Perrini F., Pogutz S., Tencati A., [2006], “Corporate Social Responsibility in Italy: State of the Art”, Journal of Business Strategies, 23(1), spring, pp. 65-91. 
  22. Zsolnai L., Boda Z., Dolegowski T., Ims K., Lozano J., O’Higgins E., Tencati A., [2004], “Globalisation and the Community”, European Business Forum, Issue 19, autumn, pp. 22-23.
  23. Tencati A., Perrini F., Pogutz S., [2004], “New Tools to Foster Corporate Socially Responsible Behavior”, Journal of Business Ethics, 53(1-2), August, pp. 173-190.  

Books (issued by international publishers)

  1. Tencati A., Perrini F. (Eds.), [2011], Business Ethics and Corporate Sustainability, First Volume in the “Studies in TransAtlantic Business Ethics” Series, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, 264 pp. 
  2. Tencati A., Zsolnai L. (Eds.), [2010], The Collaborative Enterprise: Creating Values for a Sustainable World, Peter Lang AG - International Academic Publishers, Oxford-Bern, 429 pp.
  3. Zsolnai L., Tencati A. (Eds.), [2009], The Future International Manager: A Vision of the Roles and Duties of Management, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills-New York, 200 pp. 
  4. Perrini F., Pogutz S., Tencati A., [2006], Developing Corporate Social Responsibility. A European Perspective - Preface by David Vogel (Haas, University of California, Berkeley) -, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, 272 pp.

Books (issued by national publishers)

  1. Tencati A., Pogutz S. (Eds.), [2012], Prevenzione e innovazione per una economia della sostenibilità, Egea, Milan.
  2. Various Authors, [2011], Wikibook green economy. La sostenibilità possibile raccontata da amministratori, imprenditori, cittadini, Quaderni della Sostenibilità, 1, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Bologna. 
  3. Perrini F., Tencati A., [2008], Corporate Social Responsibility. Un nuovo approccio strategico alla gestione d´impresa, Egea, Milan.
  4. Pivato S., Tencati A. (Eds.), [2007], Gestione dell’ambiente e della sicurezza aziendale, Egea, Milan.  
  5. Pogutz S., Tencati A. (Eds.), [2003], I mercati del recupero. Un’analisi di sistema: materiali recuperati, materie prime secondarie, impieghi e applicazioni finali, Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna. 
  6. Tencati A., [2002], Sostenibilità, impresa e performance. Un nuovo modello di evaluation and reporting, Egea, Milan.
  7. Pogutz S., Tencati A. (Eds.), [2002], Dal rifiuto al prodotto. Modelli europei di recupero degli imballaggi a confronto, Egea, Milan.
  8. Pogutz S., Tencati A., [1997], Ambiente, competitività e innovazione: teoria e casi, EGEA, Milan.

 Articles (published in peer-reviewed national journals)

  1. Tencati A., [2013], “L’incursione − Impresa più società: solo la collaborazione salverà l’economia”, La Lettura – supplemento culturale del Corriere della Sera, 2 June, p. 4. 
  2. Perrini F., Tencati A., [2008], “La responsabilità sociale d’impresa: strategia per l’impresa relazionale e innovazione per la sostenibilità”, Sinergie, 77, pp. 23-43.
  3. Perrini F., Pogutz S., Tencati A., [2008], “Climate Change tra emergenza ecologica, responsabilità sociale, innovazione e mercato”, Economia & Management, n. 3, maggio-giugno, pp. 11-23.
  4. Tencati A., [2007], “Il bilancio sociale: l’evoluzione storica e l’esperienza del sistema camerale in Italia”, Lecco Economia, n. 4, dicembre, pp. 18-24. 
  5. De Silvio M., Tencati A., [2002], “I costi della gestione ecologica. Il caso della Centrale termoelettrica ENEL di La Casella”, Economia & Management, n. 3, maggio-giugno, pp. 107-122.
Last change 08/01/2017