Book chapters

The geography of knowledge flows. (forthcoming)

Stefano Breschi
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
In P. Cooke (Ed.), Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth

Last change 18/12/2010

The geography of knowledge spillovers: the role of inventors' mobility across firms and in space (2010)

Stefano Breschi, Camilla Lenzi, Francesco Lissoni, Andrea Vezzulli
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
In R. Boschma & R. Martin (Eds.), Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography (pp. 353-369).

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Knowledge search and strategic alliances: evidence from the electronics industry. (2009)

Stefano Breschi, Lorenzo Cassi, Franco Malerba
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
In F. Malerba & N. Vonortas (Eds.) Innovation networks in industries (pp. 105-124).

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ERA, networks and their impacts (2009)

Stefano Breschi, Franco Malerba
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

In U. Muldur, L. Soete & F. Delanghe (Eds.), The European Research Area (pp. 160-174).

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The co-evolution of entrepreneurship and clusters (2009)

Stefano Breschi, Christian Garavaglia
Berlin: Springer Verlag
In U. Fratesi & L. Senn (Eds.), Growth and Innovation of Competitive Regions (pp. 95-116).

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Innovation-specific agglomeration economies and the spatial clustering of innovative firms (2008)

Stefano Breschi
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
In C. Karlsson (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Clusters: Theories, Policies and Case Studies (pp.167-192).

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Clusters, networks and innovation: research results and new directions (2005)

Stefano Breschi, Franco Malerba
Oxford University Press: Oxford

In: Breschi S., Malerba F. (Eds.) Clusters, networks and innovation. (pp. 1-26)

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The geography of knowledge spillovers: conceptual issues and measurement problems (2005)

Stefano Breschi, Francesco Lissoni, Fabio Montobbio
Oxford University Press: Oxford

In: S. Breschi & F. Malerba (Eds.), Clusters, networks and innovation (pp. 343-378).

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Open science and university patenting: A bibliometric analysis of the Italian case (2006)

Stefano Breschi, Francesco Lissoni, Fabio Montobbio
Palgrave McMillan

In: Pottelsberghe de la Potterie B., De Meyer A. (Eds), Economic and Management Perspectives on Intellectual Property Rights (pp. 83-103).

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The exploration of knowledge networks through patent citations (2006)

Stefano Breschi, Lorenzo Cassi, Franco Malerba
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
In: B. Andersen (Ed.), Intellectual Property Rights: Innovation, Governance and the Institutional Environment (pp. 278-310).

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Unveiling the texture of a European Research Area (2006)

Stefano Breschi, Lucia Cusmano
London: Routledge
In Y. Caloghirou, A. Constantelou, N. Vonortas (Eds.), Knowledge Flows in European Industry (pp. 268-98).

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Knowledge networks from patent data: methodological issues and research targets (2004)

Stefano Breschi, Francesco Lissoni
Springer, Berlin.

In: H. Moed, W. Glänzel, U. Schmoch (Eds.), Handbook of Quantitative Science and Technology Research: The Use of Publication and Patent Statistics in Studies of S&T Systems (pp. 613-643).

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The empirical assessment of firms' technological coherence: data and methodology (2004)

Stefano Breschi, Francesco Lissoni. Franco Malerba
Routledge, London.
In: J. Cantwell, A. Gambardella, O. Granstrand (Eds.), Economics and Management of Technological Diversification (pp. 69-97).

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Success and failure in the development of biotechnology clusters: the case of Lombardy (2003)

Stefano Breschi, Francesco Lissoni, Luigi Orsenigo
Routledge: London
In: G. Fuchs (Ed.), Biotechnology in comparative perspective (pp. 143-168).

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Clustering, innovation and growth: A comparative study of European countries (2002)

Stefano Breschi, Catherine Beaudry, Peter Swann
Routledge, London

In: J.H. Dunning and J.L. Mucchielli (Eds.), Multinational firms. The global-local dilemma (pp. 190-213).

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Spatial Patterns of Innovation: Evidence from Patent Data (1999)

Stefano Breschi
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
In: F. Malerba and A. Gambardella (Eds.), The Organisation of Economic Innovation in Europe (pp. 71-101).

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Localised Knowledge Spillovers and Trade Competitiveness: The Case of Italy (1999)

Stefano Breschi, Daniela Palma
Springer Verlag, Berlin
In: Manfred Fischer, Luis Suarez-Villa, Michael Steiner (Eds.), Innovation, Networks and Localities. (pp. 155-179).

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Sectoral Innovation Systems (1997)

Stefano Breschi, Franco Malerba
Pinter Cassell, London
In: C. Edquist (Ed.), Systems of Innovation (pp. 130-156).

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