
Set them free. Scientists' perception of benefits and costs of university-industry research collaboration. (forthcoming)

Stefano Breschi, Valentina Tartari
Industrial and Corporate Change (R&R)

Last change 18/12/2010

Spatial patterns of inventors' mobility: Evidence on US urban areas. (2010)

Stefano Breschi, Camilla Lenzi
Papers in Regional Science, 39(29): 235-250.

Last change 20/12/2010

Tracing the links between science and technology: An exploratory analysis of scientists' and inventors' networks. (2010)

Stefano Breschi, Christian Catalini
Research Policy, 39(1): 14-26.

Last change 20/12/2010

Mobility of inventors and networks of collaboration: An anatomy of localised knowledge flows. (2009)

Stefano Breschi, Francesco Lissoni
Journal of Economic Geography, 9(4): 439-468.

Last change 20/12/2010

Networked Research: European Policy Intervention for Information and Communication Technologies. (2009)

Stefano Breschi, Lorenzo Cassi, Franco Malerba, Nicholas Vonortas
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 21(7): 833-857.

Last change 20/12/2010

University patenting and scientific productivity: a quantitative study of Italian academic inventors. (2008)

Stefano Breschi, Francesco Lissoni, Fabio Montobbio
European Management Review, 5(2): 91-109.

Last change 20/12/2010

The scientific productivity of academic inventors: new evidence from Italian data. (2007)

Stefano Breschi, Francesco Lissoni, Fabio Montobbio
Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 16(2): 101-18.

Last change 20/12/2010

From publishing to patenting: do productive scientists turn into academic inventors? (2005)

Stefano Breschi, Francesco Lissoni, Fabio Montobbio
Revue dEconomie Industrielle, 110(June): 75-102.

Last change 20/12/2010

Cross-firm inventors and social networks: localised knowliedge spillovers revisited. (2005)

Stefano Breschi, Francesco Lissoni
Annales dEconomie et de Statistique, 79-80 July-December: 189-209.

Last change 20/12/2010

Networks of inventors and the location of academic research: An exploration of Italian data. (2004)

Margherita Balconi, Stefano Breschi, Francesco Lissoni
Research Policy, 33(1): 127-45.

Last change 20/12/2010

Unveiling the texture of a European Research Area: Emergence of oligarchic networks under EU Framework Programmes. (2004)

Stefano Breschi, Lucia Cusmano
International Journal of Technology Management, 27(8): 747-772.

Last change 20/12/2010

Knowledge relatedness in firm technological diversification. (2003)

Stefano Breschi, Francesco Lissoni, Franco Malerba
Research Policy, 32(1): 69-87.

Last change 20/12/2010

Are firms in clusters really more innovative? (2003)

Catherine Beaudry, Stefano Breschi
Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 12(4): 325-341.

Last change 20/12/2010

Knowledge spillovers and local innovation systems: A critical survey. (2001)

Stefano Breschi, Francesco Lissoni
Industrial and Corporate Change, 10(4): 975-1005.

Last change 20/12/2010

Geography of innovation and economic clustering. (2001)

Stefano Breschi, Franco Malerba
Industrial and Corporate Change, 10(4): 817-33.

Last change 20/12/2010

Localised knowledge spillovers vs. innovative milieux: Knowledge gctacitness' reconsidered. (2001)

Stefano Breschi, Francesco Lissoni
Papers in Regional Science, 80(3): 255-73.

Last change 20/12/2010

Technological Regimes and Schumpeterian Patterns of Innovation. (2000)

Stefano Breschi, Franco Malerba, Luigi Orsenigo
Economic Journal, 110(463): 388-410.

Last change 20/12/2010

The Geography of Innovation: A Cross-Sector Analysis. (2000)

Stefano Breschi
Regional Studies, 34(3): 213-229.

Last change 22/09/2011

Last change 18/12/2010