Online exam update for September

Structure of the exam

The exam is organized in two parts.

The first part consists of three open (essay) questions. Questions may concern any topic of the course. They may consist of statements to comment or questions to answer. You need to answer all three questions. Each question is worth 8 points.

The second part consists of a problem. The problem is worth 7 points.


Exam procedure: First part

IMPORTANT. The first part of the exam requires using Respondus Lockdown Browser. You will not be able to access the first part of the exam using a standard browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox etc).

The first part of the exam will have a duration of 45 minutes. You will have to stay online and connected to Respondus for the entire duration of the exam. At the end of the 45 minutes, the system will automatically save and upload your answers. You will have to stay online and connected to Respondus also if you decide to withdraw.


Exam procedure: Second part

The second part of the exam (problem) will be made available to students at the end of the first part.

IMPORTANT. At the end of the first part, please disconnect from Respondus and access again to the link of the exam using a standard browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox etc.). The link to the second part of the exam (problem) will be available. From the link to the second part of the exam, please download the document containing the text of the problem.

IMPORTANT: In case you do not see the link to the second part, please be patient and do not panic. Please refresh the page from time to time. The link will be made available once all students have terminated the first part of the exam. The link will be visible approximately between 10:00 and 10:10.

The second part of the exam will have a duration of 35 minutes. The duration starts from the time the link is made visible to students. For example, if the link is made accessible to students at 10:05, the second part of the exam will have to be uploaded after 35 minutes (namely at 10:40).

The second part of the exam consists of a problem. From the link to the second part, please download and read the document containing the text of the problem. Solve the problem using one or more sheets (preferably, using squared notebooks). At the end, take a picture of (or scan) the sheets containing your answer and upload the file. The duration is 35 minutes including the time for uploading the file.

Last change 16/07/2020