Articles in international refereed journals
What Firms do: Gender Inequality in Linked Employer-Employee Data (2024)
Casarico A. e Lattanzio S.
Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 42, 2, 235-255, link
Heterogeneity in parental time with children: Trends by gender and education between 1961 and 2012 across twenty countries (2023)
Balbo N., Casarico A., Sommacal A., e Altintas E.
European Sociological Review, online access, link
What Firms do: Gender Inequality in Linked Employer-Employee Data (forthcoming)
Casarico A. and Lattanzio S.
Journal of Labor Economics, link
Behind the Child Penalty: Understanding What Contributes to the Labour Market Costs of Motherhood (2023)
Casarico A., e Lattanzio S.
Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 36, 1489–1511 link
Child Care Costs, Household Liquidity Constraints and Gender Inequality (2023)
Casarico A., Del Rey E. e Jose I. Silva
Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 36, 1461–1487 link
The Heterogeneous Effects of COVID-19 on Labor Market Flows: Evidence from Administrative Data (2022)
Casarico A. and Lattanzio S.
Journal of Economic Inequality, link
Women and Local Public Finance (2022)
Casarico A., Lattanzio S. and Profeta P.
European Journal of Political Economy, Vol.72, March, link
A field experiment on fundraising to support independent information (2021)
Casarico A. and Tonin M.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 186, June, 227-250, link
Let the voters choose women (2019)
Baltrunaite A., Casarico A., Profeta P., and Savio G.
Journal of Public Economics, 180, December link
Top Incomes and the gender divide (2018)
Atkinson A B, Casarico A., and Voitchovsky S.
Journal of Economic Inequality, 16(2), 225-256 link
What drives the legalization of immigrants? Evidence from IRCA (2018)
Casarico A., Facchini G. and Frattini T.
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 70, 258-273 pdf, link
Taxation and parental time allocation under different assumptions on altruism (2017)
Casarico A. and Sommacal A.
International Tax and Public Finance; 25, 1, 140-165; link
A critical comparison of migration policies: Entry fee versus quota (2017)
Stark O., Byra L., Casarico A., and Uebelmesser S.
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 66, 91-107; pdf
On the regional labor market determinants of female university enrolment in Europe (2016)
Casarico A., Profeta P. and Pronzato C.
Regional Studies, 50, 6, June, 1036-1053; pdf
Illegal Immigration: Policy perspectives and Challenges (2015)
Casarico A., Facchini G., and Frattini T.
CESifo Economic Studies, 61, 3-4, September/December, 673-700; pdf
Tax Structure and macroeconomic performance (2015)
Arachi G., Bucci V. and Casarico A.
International Tax and Public Finance, 22, August, 635-662; pdf
Intergenerational Transmission of Skills during Childhood and Optimal Public Policy (2015)
Casarico A., Micheletto L. and Sommacal A.
Journal of Population Economics, 28, 2, 353-372; pdf
Affirmative action and the power of the elderly (2015)
Baltrunaite A., Casarico A., and Profeta P.
CESifo Economic Studies, 61, 1, 148-164; pdf
Gender quotas and the quality of politicians (2014)
Baltrunaite A., Bello P., Casarico A. and Profeta P.
Journal of Public Economics, 118, 62-74; pdf
Labor income taxation, human capital and growth: the role of child care (2012)
Casarico A., Sommacal A.
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114 (4), 1182-1207.
On the formation of international migration policies when no country has an exclusive policy setting say (2012)
Stark O., Casarico A., Devillanova C., Uebelmesser S.
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42, 420-429.
Gender gap in employment and gender culture (2011)
Campa P., Casarico A. and Profeta P.
CESifo Economic Studies, 57, 1, 156-182.
Capital-skill Complementarity and the Redistributive Effects of Social Security Reform (2008)
Casarico A., C. Devillanova
Journal of Public Economics, 92, 672-683.
Social Security and Migration with Endogenous Skill Upgrading (2003)
Casarico A., C. Devillanova
Journal of Public Economics, 87, 773-797.
Pension Systems in Integrated Capital Markets (2001)
Casarico A.
The B.E. Journal in Economic Analysis and Policy, Topics; Vol.1, Issue 1
Pension Reform and Economic Performance under Imperfect Capital Markets (1998)
Casarico A.
The Economic Journal, 108, 344-362.
Editor of special issues
"Introduction to the Special Issue "On gender perspectives in public economics" (2020)
Casarico A. and Profeta P.
Hacienda Public Espanola/Review of Public Economics, 235, 4, 3-10, link
Introduction to the Special Issue The determinants of Gender Gaps (2015)
Casarico A. and Profeta P.
CESifo Economic Studies, 61, 1, 1-6; pdf
Articles in italian refereed journals
La diversita' di genere: un valore economico (2014)
Casarico A. and Profeta P.
Sociologia del Lavoro, 134, 103-115
Labour tax reforms: Italy in the European perspective (2011)
Casarico A. and Profeta P.
Rivista di diritto finanziario e scienza delle finanze, LXX, 4, I, 530-545.
The duties of the sovereign: a brief guide to the literature (2010)
Artoni R., Casarico A.
Politica Economica, XXVI, December, 339-358.
Uguaglianza di genere e Sistemi Pensionisitici: Aspetti Critici e Prospettive per l'Italia (2009)
Casarico A., P. Profeta
Studi e Note di Economia, XIV, 3, 293-315.
Stato Sociale e Teoria Economica (2005)
Artoni R., Casarico A.
Studi Economici, 87, 59-90.
Note sulla Previdenza Integrativa (2003)
Artoni R., Casarico A.
Diritto ed Economia dello Stato Sociale, 7-8, 27-51.