Short Bio

Francesco Giavazzi (Bergamo Italy, 1949), Professor of Economics (Bocconi University, Milan) and vice chair university Advisory Council, was deputy rector (2000-2002). Visiting professor at MIT (2003-2013).

Education: electrical engineering (Politecnico di Milano, 1972), PhD in Economics (MIT, 1978).

CEPR research fellow and former trustee, NBER research associate, Scientific Committee Chair (CEPII, Paris), Bellagio Group member. In 1991 contributes to founding IGIER (an economics research institute jointly created by NBER, CEPR and Bocconi University), serving as first Director and President to 2002.

Italian Treasury, deputy Director General 1991-1994; Italian government, spending review adviser 2012;  Federal Reserve Bank of New York adviser, 2013, 2015, 2016; Group of Economic Advisers to the Italian Prime Minister 1998-2000; Group of Economic Advisers to the President of the European Commission 2000-2010. Houblon-Norman Fellow (Bank of England) 2002; External Evaluation Committee Member IMF Research Activities. 1999; Riksbank Evaluation for the Swedish Parliament, 2006.

Books: Limiting Exchange Rate Flexibity was published in 1989, with Alberto Giovannini (MIT Press). The Future of Europe: Reform or Decline, with Alberto Alesina (MIT Press).

For recent writings

Last change 19/09/2016