Other Pubblications (1)

The Italian electronic secondary market for Treasury bonds (MTS): institutions, liquidity and market structure (07/1999)

Rindi Barbara
International Review of Economics and Business
nr. VII, pp. 41-92.

Last change 13/02/2009

Introduction to International Monetary Economics (1999)

Rindi Barbara

Last change 13/02/2009

Preannouncement with Strategic Speculators (06/1997)

Barbara Rindi
International Review of Economics and Business
XLIV, nr. 2, pp. 241-268.

Last change 13/09/2010

Asymmetric information and financial market sructure: from perfect to imperfect competition (08/1994)

Rindi Barbara
Economia Politica
nr. 2, pp. 315-360.

Last change 13/02/2009

Last change 13/02/2009