
  • F. Beccacece, A. Battauz, "Dividend and Uncertainty: Evidence from the Italian Market", International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, vol. 7, World Scientific: New York, pp. 45-62, 2004.
  • F. Beccacece, A. Cillo, "Applying the Benchmarking Procedure: a Decision Criterion of Choice under Risk", Theory and Decision, vol. 61, n.1, Springer Heidelberg, pp. 75-91, 2006.
  • F.Beccacece, E. Borgonovo, "Brand Valuation: a Comparison of Alternative Models", International Journal of Operational Research, vol. 6 (2), pp.247-266, 2009.
  • F.Beccacece, E. Borgonovo, "Functional ANOVA, Ultramodularity and Monotonicity: Applications in Multiattribute Utility Theory", European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 210 (2) pp. 326–335, 2011.
  • F. Beccacece, E. Borgonovo, A. Cillo, G. Buzzard, S. Zionts, “Elicitation of Multiattribute Value Functions through High Dimensional Model Representations: Monotonicity and Interactions”, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 246 (2), pp. 517-527, 2015.
  • F. Beccacece, V. Cantù, "Enhancing portfolio diversification: Are diamonds forever?", The Journal of Investing, vol. 24 (4) pp.92-101, 2015.
Last change 03/03/2016