Born June 9th, 1958. Degree in Business Administration from Università Bocconi. PhD in Business Administration and Management.
Tenured full professor in Organizational Theory and Behavior and, from the 1st of November 2008, Vice-Rector for Research at Bocconi University Milan, Italy.
Chairman of the Institute of Organization and MIS at Bocconi from 2001 to 2007. He has been the Director of the Organization and Human Resource Management Department of SDA, Bocconi University School of Management from 1995 to 2001. He taught at the University of Cassino, Italy for five years (1994-1999).
Member of the Editorial Board of Organization Science from 2003 to 2006 and ad hoc reviewer for Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review and Journal of International Business Studies. He has published several books and articles both in Italian and International Journals. He is the Director of Economia & Management the SDA, Bocconi University, Management Review published by RCS Group.
Areas of scientific interest: Corporate theory. Relation between strategy and organization. Organization networks. Management of change. Organizational behaviour. The role of trust in inter-organizational relations.Company valuation

Last change 27/11/2014