
Scientific Publications:

  • Piezunka, H, & Grohsjean, T. 2022. Collaborations that hurt firm performance but help employees’ careers. Strategic Management Journal, forthcoming. (Article
  • Criscuolo, P., Dahlander, L., Grohsjean, T., & Salter, A. (2021). The sequence effect in panel decisions: Evidence from the evaluation of research and development projects. Organization Science, 32(4), 987-1008. (Article)
  • Criscuolo, P., Dahlander, L., Grohsjean, T. & Salter. A. 2017. Evaluating novelty: The role of panels in the selection of R&D projects. Academy of Management Journal, 60(2): 433-460. (Abstract)
  • Grohsjean, T., Kober, P., & Zucchini, L. 2016. Coming back to Edmonton: Competing with former employers and colleagues. Academy of Management Journal, 59(2): 59: 394-413. (Abstract,
    Last change 15/08/2022