Valentina Bosetti is full professor at the Department of Economics, Bocconi University and a senior scientistat the RFF CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment. Valentina is currently serving as chairwoman of Terna S.p.A.

Valentina Bosetti holds a PhD in Computational Mathematics and Operation Research from the Università Statale of Milan and a Master Degree in Environmental and Resources Economics from University College of London.

She worked at Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei from 2003 to 2018 and collaborated with CMCC from 2006.

Valentina served as a Council Member of the European Association of Environmental Economists and as the President of the Italian Association of Environmental Economists.

She has published several papers in the field of economics of climate change and of clean technologies innovation.

Valentina is currently the holder of a ERC Starting Grant on Uncertainty Perception and Climate Change. She has finished a ERC Starting Grant on innovation in energy technologies (see more at and was Lead Author of the 5th Assessment Report of the IPCC (2010-2013) and will serve as LA for the 6th.

During the 2014/2015 academic year Valentina was a Fellow at CASBS, STANFORD (HERE).

Valentina has three sons, Pietro Elio and Matteo.



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Last change 23/04/2024