Monday, February 3 |
Roentgen Building, Room 3-B3-SR01 DONDENA DONDENA Seminar Series Spring Ana Costa-Ramon - University of Zurich |
Tuesday, February 4 |
Seminar Room 3.b3.sr01, floor 3, Via Roentgen 1 Department of Social and Political Sciences / GREEN Junior Job Market Diogo Gerhard Britto "Let the Water Do the Work: Climate Adaptation Policies and Individual Welfare" Diogo G.C. Britto - Bicocca University |
Online Department of Marketing Seller Experience and Transaction Prices on a Blockchain-Enabled Marketplace Chaoran Liu - London Business School |
Wednesday, February 5 |
Webinar - Zoom meeting BAFFI Landing on Water: Air Interdiction, Drug-Trafficking Displacement, and Violence in the Brazilian Amazon - CLEAN Seminar Series jointly with LSE Rodrigo Soares - Insper, Brazil |
Thursday, February 6 |
Department of Decision Sciences Yuansi Chen: Regularized Dikin Walks for Sampling Truncated Logconcave Measures, Mixed Isoperimetry and Beyond Worst-Case Analysis YUANSI CHEN - ETH |
2-E4-SR03 Department of Computing Sciences CS seminar series Neural-Symbolic Reasoning: Towards Interpretable-by-design Neural Networks |
Via Roentgen 1, Classroom AS02 (FLOOR -2) Department of Management and Technology / Department of Marketing Department Seminar Series Diversity and accuracy: Are variable forecasts more or less accurate? Jerker Denrell - University of Warwick |
3b3sr01 Department of Social and Political Sciences AI, Preferences, and Economics Elliot Ash - ETH Zurich |
Friday, February 7 |
Roentgen Building, Room 4-E4-SR03 DONDENA DAISI Seminar - The Nationalization of American Lawmaking? Evidence from State Statutes Elliott Ash - ETH Zurich |
Alberto Alesina Seminar Room 5-E4-SR04 - Floor 5 - via Roentgen 1 Department of Economics Junior Job Market Lea Nagel: " A Measure of Complexity for Strategy-Proof Mechanisms" Lea Nagel - Stanford University |
Seminar Room 3.b3.sr01, floor 3, Via Roentgen 1 Department of Social and Political Sciences / GREEN Junior Job Market R. Daniel Bressler "Breaking Down the Mortality and Social Cost of Carbon" R. Daniel Bressler - Columbia University |