Guides to the university

2018-2019 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)



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3.1. Foreign languages for students enrolled in the first year in the 2018/2019 a.y.


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3.1.1. Entry level

In order to classify levels of language knowledge, Bocconi University follows the Common European Framework established by the European Council.

Considering that language learning is a long and gradual process and that the exit levels of the program must be adequate to for post-study opportunities, the University:
  • Requires a certain entry level prerequisite for English (B1 level for programs taught in Italian and B2 for the ones taught in English); evidence of the prerequisite is checked upon admission to the Study Program;
  • Suggests specific initial knowledge levels for the other languages (A2 level) whether programs are taught in Italian or English.

In order to enable students to be properly prepared on entry, on the Bocconi website at in Minimum Level Required, the University:

  • Specifies the grammatical and syntactic knowledge and communication skills relating to the minimum entry levels;
  • Gives detailed specifications of learning materials which may be helpful to achieve such levels.

In addition, during the first year, the following preparatory courses are offered:
  • Italian, French, Spanish, German I semester;
  • English - II semester.

Information concerning sign-up procedures is communicated to all students via the yoU@B Diary.
Courses are activated only if an adequate number of students have registered.

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3.1.2. Languages in the study plans

The study plans of all the Master of Science courses, except DSBA, require two European Union languages.
The DSBA study plan requires just one language, as the rules coincide with those of the second language of other Master of Science courses.
The rules outlined below are applicable to all Bocconi students and to students from partner Institutions (incoming students) registered in a Double Degree /Joint Degree program taught in English.
More specifically:
1° language, 2 CPU: English
for all students (regardless of their native language)
for all MSc Programs (Eng/Ita) except DSBA
the main aim is to foster the development of professional skills
2° language, for all MSc Programs except DSBA and single language for DSBA, 4 CPU:
MSc programs in English:
  • Italian for non-Italian native speakers;
  • French, Spanish, German, Portuguese for Italian native speakers
MSc programs in Italian:
  • French, Spanish, German, Portuguese for all students.

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3.1.3. First language English


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The training offered includes:

  • Professional English Seminars for internal test:
    • duration: half sem: 24 h
    • Seminars are offered twice in the 1st and twice in the 2nd semester
    • Standard rule: attendance in 2nd year, 1st or 2nd semester according to student's prior commitment (e.g.: internship, exchange...)
    • Exceptions: Students of Double Degree/Joint Degree ESSEC, University of Queensland, UCL Louvain-la-Neuve and Long Exchange will be allowed to attend seminars when they are at Bocconi (1st year, 1st or 2nd semester);
    • Both attending and non-attending students can sit the test (but with different syllabuses).

  • Courses for international certifications BEC, Business English Certificate:
    • Business English, levels B2 and C1, Cambridge English Language Assessment;
    • duration: 1 semester, 48 h;
    • the student chooses if 2nd sem of 1st year or 1st sem of 2nd year.

Other courses:

  • Preparatory courses in English
    • duration: 1 semester, in the second half of the 2nd semester of the 1st year, 36 hours (see § 3.1.1.).
Detailed information on the contents of the Professional English Seminars, certification courses, and crash courses is available online.

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  • For all students enrolled in Bocconi University: B2 business or C1 business depending on the entry level;
  • For incoming students enrolled in a Double Degree/Joint Degree program C1 business.

Last change 18/07/2018 10:50 Entry levels, activities during the two-year program, exit levels

The table below illustrates the various courses and exit levels that the student may select, based on English level at entry. Moreover, it also indicates whether students must acquire the required language skills through these activities, or whether they can be exempted (by registering a certification already held, see § 3.1.5., or test results recorded in their student career during the three-year Bocconi program see § 3.1.6.)

Entry level

Acquisition of business English competences during the graduate program



  • seminars = 24 h
  • courses to prepare for certifications =48 h

Exit  level


B1 gen or B1 bus



No waiver

B2 gen preparatory course and:

B2 bus seminars

B2 bus1 or C1 gen plus certification

C1 bus1 or C2 certification (optional for those who can make a leap in performance)

B2 bus
B2 bus / C1 gen
C1 bus / C2

B2 gen



No waiver

B2 bus seminars

B2 bus1 or C1 gen plus certification

C1 bus1 or C2 certification (optional for those who can make a leap in performance)

B2 bus
B2 bus / C1 gen
C1 bus / C2

C1 gen low



No waiver

B2 bus seminars

B2 bus1 or C1 gen plus certification

C1 bus1 or C2 certification (optional for those who can make a leap in performance)

B2 bus
B2 bus / C1 gen
C1 bus / C2

B2 bus



B2 bus seminars (optional for those who are interested in)

B2 bus1 (optional for those who want a higher B2 bus performance) or C1 gen plus certification

C1 bus seminars (optional for those who can make a leap in performance)

C1 bus1 or C2 certification (optional for those who can make a leap in performance)

none (for those who want to do nothing)

B2 bus

B2 bus / C1 gen

C1 bus

C1 bus / C2

B2 bus

C1 gen plus




B2 bus seminars (optional for those who are interested in a B2 bus exit level)

B2 bus1 certification

C1 bus seminars (optional for those who can make a leap in performance)

C1 bus1 or C2 certification (optional for those who can make a leap in performance)

none (for those who want to do nothing)

B2 bus

B2 bus
C1 bus

C1 bus / C2

C1 gen

C1 business,


English native speaker2



C1 bus seminars (optional for those who are interested in)

C1 bus1 certification (optional for those who want a higher C1 bus performance)

C2 certification (optional for those who can make a leap in performance)

none (for those who want to do nothing)

C1 bus
C1 bus


C1 bus/ C2


1. Certification courses offered by the Language Centre to MSc students.

2. The status of English native speaker for the exemption from the English first language exam is established by the Language Center, which verifies the number of school years attended by the student. To request a waiver, students are required to submit the school certificates to the Language Center.
Students may have their English result recorded in their academic career by passing either:

  • the Bocconi test, or
  • one of the certification exams from among those recognized by the University.

The Master of Science courses are strongly focused on specialized English language for professional purposes.
Therefore, if the student should opt for a certification, the following levels are recognized:
  • Level B2 business, C1 business and C2 are recognized «by default»;
  • Level C1 general is recognized on condition that the student achieved at least a threshold score (the threshold allows the university to reasonably assume that the student is able to interact in professional English). More specifically:
    • C1 general low (original score converted to score out of thirty < 26/30): not recognizable as C1 general or as B2 business;
    • C1 general high (original score converted to score out of thirty: ≥ 26/30): recognizable as C1 general.

Last change 03/12/2018 16:13 Enrolling for courses

Initially, every student is automatically assigned the Professional English Seminar.
The level of the seminar assigned is defined according to the level presented during the admission stage.

The student may select:
  • which period to attend the seminar or, as an alternative,
  • to attend a course to prepare for a certification.

In both cases, the student must enroll for the activity via Agenda yoU@B.
Timing is communicated via Agenda yoU@B.

Certification courses are offered only to students who have the language code in their program structure.
They have limited numbers: students are admitted as long as places are available, based on the order of enrollment.
The courses are activated only if a minimum number of students enroll.
In order to benefit from the course, the student must have a knowledge of the language equal to at least the level immediately below the level of the certificate course.
At the beginning of the course, it will be possible to evaluate the student’s preparation for the course with the teacher in the classroom. If the student is inadequately prepared, he/she may enroll in a Professional English Seminar class.

Last change 03/12/2018 16:20 Knowledge assessment

The student may select from between:
  • Bocconi test: attending or non-attending modes, no numerical score out of thirty, only “pass/fail”;
  • certification: registration without conversion of the result to a numerical score out of thirty.

The level of competence attained is indicated in the examination report and in the student’s transcript.

Detailed information on the Bocconi test is available online.
Detailed information on the certifications is available in § 3.1.5.

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3.1.4. Second Language for all Master of Science courses (except DSBA) and Single Language for DSBA


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Training opportunities include*:
  • Courses to prepare for the internal exam for Italian, French, German, Spanish
  • duration: two semesters, 2nd sem of 1st year + 1st sem of 2nd year, 48 h + 24 h;
  • Courses to prepare for certifications for Italian, French Spanish; duration: one semester, 2nd sem of 1st year, 48 h for following certifications:
    • DFP B1/B2 - Diplôme de Français Professionnel-Affaires B1/B2, business language, Chambre de Commerce et de l’Industrie de Paris;
    • CELI - Certificato di conoscenza della Lingua Italiana, Università per Stranieri di Perugia and CILS - Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera, Università per Stranieri di Siena; general language, B2 level;
    • DELE B2, Diploma de Español Lengua Extranjera, general language, B2 level, Instituto Cervantes.
Other offers include:
  • Preparatory courses for Italian, French, Spanish, German
    duration: ½ semester, in the second half of the first sem of the first year, 16 hours (see § 3.1.1.).

Detailed information on the contents of the internal exam preparation courses, certification courses, and preparatory courses is available online.

* For Portuguese there are no formal courses. It is only possible to record the result of one of the international certifications recognized by the University in the study plan. Materials for self-study are available at the Language Laboratory.

Last change 03/12/2018 16:25 Minimum exit levels

Minimum exit level:
  • for French, Portuguese, Spanish, German: B1 business
  • for Italian:
    • A2 only for students enrolled in Double/Joint Degree courses (incoming and outgoing) that have never completed a Bocconi Bachelor of Science degree;
    • B1 business for all other students.

Minimum level A2 for Italian is not compulsory but optional: students may select level B1 business or higher.

Students may choose whether to register the result of first language English in their academic career by passing either:
  • the internal Bocconi exam, or
  • an international certificate exam.

If the student should opt for an international certification:
  • as an alternative to level B1 business, general language certifications at a minimum level of B2 are also recognized;
  • as an alternative to level A2 (only for Italian), general language certifications at a minimum level of B1 are also recognized.

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Students select a second language in January of the first year.

The language cannot be the native language declared during the enrollment process.

If the student has more than one native language e.g. because they come from a country/region where more than one language is spoken or have parents with different nationalities, the student must declare and be associated with a single native language for the entire duration of his/her studies.

In the Master of Science Course classes taught in English, the second language for non-Italian native speakers must be Italian.

Changes may be made to the second language during both the first and second year (for selection/change methods and periods, see Chapter 9).

Last change 03/12/2018 16:30 Enrolling for courses

  • For French, Spanish, German:
    Initially, every student is automatically assigned level B1 business of the selected language and the relative class for the internal exam.

  • For Italian:
    • incoming students are automatically assigned an A2 level
    • all Bocconi students are automatically assigned a B1 business level
    • only outgoing Bocconi students enrolled in a Double Degree / Joint Degree who have not previously attended a Bocconi degree course may be assigned, upon request made by the student involved (at the Language Center), level A2.

Moreover, the relatived class for the internal exam is also assigned.
For French, Italian, Spanish, the student may decide whether to attend the class assigned or to enroll via Agenda yoU@B in a class for a certification (see section §
The enrollment periods are communicated via Agenda yoU@B.

Certification courses are offered only to students who have the language code in their program structure.
Numbers are limited: students are admitted as long as places are available, on a first come, first served basis. The courses are activated only if a minimum number of students enroll.
In order to benefit from the course, the student must have a knowledge of the language equal to at least the level immediately below the level of the certificate course.
At the beginning of the course, it will be possible to evaluate the student’s preparation for the course with the teacher. If the student is inadequately prepared, he/she may return to the class for the internal exam assigned during the first year, II semester.

Last change 03/12/2018 16:37 Knowledge assessment

The student may choose between:
• an internal exam, with numerical score out of thirty;
• certification, with numerical score out of thirty following conversion of the result based on the tables available online.

The final grade is included in the calculation of the Grade Point Average (GPA).
The level of competence attained is indicated in the exam report and in the student’s transcript.

With reference to the internal exam: basically, the exam consists of a written part and an oral part, both of which are compulsory. The written part may be taken in two partial exams (at the end of the second semester of the first year and the first semester of the second year). It should be specified that under particular conditions, students who were unable to attend the second half of the course may access the second partial exam (during the first semester of the second year).

Detailed information is available in the course syllabus and online exam specifications.
Detailed information on validity and registration of the certifications can be found at § 3.1.5.

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3.1.5. Validity and registration of international language certifications

The student may register only one of the certifications recognized by the University specifically for the Master of Science courses, taken at an officially recognized exam site in Italy or abroad.

Moreover, the certification must be:
  • Registered within 3 years from the date of taking the exam (with the exception of the TOEFL, which must be registered within 2 years);
  • of a level equal to or higher than the minimum exit level required (see §,, respectively for the first and second languages);

Grades may be officially registered either before or during university courses (for example: by re-presenting the certificate used to gain university admission).

Registration may take place:
  • for first language English, beginning from the first semester of the first year
  • for the second languages in the program structure, beginning from the second semester of the first year (following the selection of the second language in the study plan).
For registration, the student must present the original certificate to the Language Center Office in person and must not register for the internal Bocconi exam.

In order to earn a certification during the university courses, the Language Center offers:
  • an information and orientation service;
  • courses for some certifications;
  • materials for preparation and sample examinations at the Language Lab;
  • exam registration services for some British Council /Cambridge English Language Assessment certifications in English. The enrollment procedure and the entire process strictly follow the rules established by the organising body.

Registration fees for certification exams are at the student's expense.

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3.1.6. Validation of language exams taken during the BSc program at Bocconi

Students who have earned a Bocconi degree can ask for recognition of the first and/or second language registered for the three-year Bocconi course of study (with consequential waiver of evaluation of knowledge required by individual program structures during the two-year Master's program), provided that their exit level from the three-year program is equal to or higher than the minimum exit level required for the two-year Master's program, and therefore in keeping with the following:


First language - English

Second language

B2 business, C1 general plus, C1 business, C2 general, C2 business

B1 business, B2 general, B2 business, C1 general, C1 Business, C2 general, C2 business

For Italian: additional, B1 general

All such requests must be made at the Academic Affairs Division Desk (for timing, see Chapter 9).

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3.1.7. Self-study

In addition to attending lectures, learning foreign languages requires a constant commitment to self-study which includes a series of activities/assignments, based on specific information provided by the teaching staff in class and available on the course syllabus, with the use of different tools (e.g. exercise books or multimedia courses/assignments available on the BBoard e-learning platform).

In addition, the Language Center offers the following at the Language Laboratory:
• An advisory and information service for language study;
• A tutoring service provided by the language teaching staff as a support to individual learning, which is available upon reservation of a time slot;
• Various materials for preparing certifications and the Bocconi exam, available at the multimedia Library of the Laboratory and/or on the BBoard platform.

In general, students are advised to spend 3-5 hours per week on self-study

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3.1.8. Foreign languages as additional exams

In all cases, even curricular languages (French, English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, German) can be recorded as additional exams, either by passing a Bocconi exam or upon obtaining a certification (see chapter 9). In this latter case, the certification must be among those found in the list of certifications recognized by Bocconi university, must be submitted before expiry date, and must be equal to or higher than the minimum level required for the language in the student’s degree course.

Students can record Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Russian, which are non-curricular languages, in their study plan, but only as an additional course.

As no internal exams are held for these languages, it is possible to register only the result of a certification converted into a numerical vote in thirtieths. The certification must be on the list of those recognized and be submitted before expiry date. Specifically, and only for the languages indicated above, A1is the minimum level.

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3.2. Foreign languages for students enrolled in the second year of a Master of Science program in the a.y. 2018/2019


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3.2.1. Entry level

The program requirements of all MSc programs include a first and a second compulsory European Union language.

In order to classify the language knowledge, Bocconi University follows the Common European Framework established by the European Council.

Considering that language learning is a long and gradual process and that the exit levels of the program must be adequate for post-study opportunities, the University:
• Requires a certain entry level prerequisite for English (B1 level for programs taught in Italian and B2 for the ones taught in English); evidence of the prerequisite level is checked upon admission to the Study Program;
• Suggests specific initial knowledge levels for the other languages (B1 for the first language and A2 level for the second language, whether the program is taught in Italian or in English).
In order to allow students to reach the required entry level, the University specifies:
• the grammatical and syntactic knowledge and communication skills relating to the minimum entry levels;
• details of learning materials which may help students to achieve such levels
on the Bocconi website at under Minimum Level Required

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3.2.2. Foreign languages in the MSc programs taught in Italian and in English: overall framework


All class groups


First language


Second language


Learning path


1st year, 2nd semester +

2nd year, 1st semester


Knowledge assessment

Details at 3.2.4.

International certification


Bocconi exam


Educational offer

Details at 3.2.5.

Six-month courses for certifications


One-year course for Bocconi exam


Language choice

Foreign language courses must be different from the native language declared upon enrollment.1

The first language must be different from the second one.

Italian -French - Portuguese2-Spanish - German

Language: all first year students choose the first language and the second one.3

Italian class groups: for non-English native speaker students, one of the two language courses MUST BE English.

English class groups: for non-Italian native speaker students, one of the two language courses MUST BE Italian.

Course level: the minimum level required is automatically assigned

Minimum exit levels

Business contents

First language B2 business

Second language B1 business

Exceptions (first and second language):

Class groups in Italian: for Italian C1 business

Class groups in English: for English C1 business

Teaching level and exams4 offered

Business contents

First language B2 and C1 business

Second language B1 and B2 business

Exceptions (first and second language):

Class groups in Italian: for Italian C1 business

Class groups in English: for English C1 business

1. Those students who have more than one native language (e.g. because they come from countries/regions where more than one language is spoken or have parents of different nationalities) must declare one single native language for the whole duration of their studies.
2. For Portuguese, no formal courses are offered. It is only possible to record the result of one of the international certifications recognized by the University in the study plan. Materials for self-study are available at the Language Lab.
3. It is possible to change languages either in the first year or in the second year (for methods and choice/change periods see chapter 9).
4. The Language Center prepares for two exit levels (for both the first language and the second one); the student chooses the final exam level upon registration for the exam at the Punto Blu, regardless of the level of the course attended. Higher exit levels than the ones specified are possible only via international certification, as no Bocconi exams for such levels are offered (see
Courses codes 







First and second language








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3.2.3. Languages in the Double Degree programs

Only for students coming from partner institutions and enrolled in a Double Degree program taught in English, all rules described in chapter 3 are applied except for language choice and minimum exit levels. The rules applied for these students are as follows:


Native language


First language and minimun exit levels


Second language and minimun exit levels


Different from English



C1 business


A2 general



Italian - French - Portoguese2 - Spanish German

The first language or the second one MUST be Italian

B2 business

Italian A2 general

other languages B1 business


  1. First and second languages must be two different languages.
  2. For Portuguese there are no classes and it is only possible to record the result of one of the international certifications recognized by the University in the study plan. Materials for self-study are available at the Language Lab.

In addition to the minimum exit levels specified, for English as first language for both Bocconi teaching and exams, the higher levels specified at 3.2.1 paragraph are included. Students may choose their final Bocconi exam level when registering for the exam at the Punto Blu, regardless of the level of the course attended. An exit level higher than the one specified in paragraphs 3.2.2 and 3.2.3. is only possible via international certification, as there are no Bocconi exams for such levels (see

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3.2.4. Knowledge assessment

Students can choose between:
  • International certification / test, or
  • Bocconi exam.

The language level acquired by the students is specified in the exam report and on the official academic transcript. The knowledge assessment is expressed into a grade out of thirty calculated for the grade point average.

Last change 18/07/2018 09:48 International Certifications/Tests

General information relating to certifications/tests (hereinafter “certifications”) is given below.
Detailed information is available on the Bocconi website.

Students can record only one of the certifications recognized by the University specifically for MSc programs, taken at one of the officially recognized Examination Centers, in Italy or abroad.
In addition, a certification must:
• Be registered within 3 years after taking the exam for that certification (except for TOEFL which must be registered within two years);
• Be of a level equal to or higher than the minimum exit level required (see paragraph 3.2.2.; for Double degree students, see paragraph 3.2.3.);
• Fall within the area of business language. As good language knowledge is essential to fill the gap between business and general language areas, some general certifications are recognized, provided that they are:
o C1 level or higher for the first language
o B2 general level or higher for the second language (except for English).
Students can obtain the certification before admission to the university (i.e. certifications obtained for admission may be re-presented for registration) or during their university studies.

Certificates may be registered after the choice of languages in the study plan, starting with the second semester of the first year of studies (provided that they are still valid).

In any case, the related credit points and the grade are awarded for the year of studies the language is positioned in.

The result of the certification is recorded in the student’s academic career with a grade out of thirty, upon conversion based on the tables published on the website.

To register certificates, students must submit the original certification at the Office of the Language Center and must not register for the Bocconi Exam.

To obtain a certification during the university studies, the Language Center offers:
• An information and orientation service;
• Courses to prepare for certain certifications (see section;
• Preparatory materials and examples of exams at the language laboratory;
• A Test Center for some of the British Council / Cambridge English Language Assessment English certifications. The registration method and the whole procedure entirely follow the rules of the Examination Institute.
All fees relating to registration for the certification exam are at the student’s expense.

Last change 03/12/2018 17:07 Bocconi Exam

General information on Bocconi exams may be found below.

Detailed information on exam assessment methods and calculation of the final grade is available on the course syllabi available on the website in Curricular courses, Master of Science programs, second year.

Exams follow the language standards applied for international certifications. The exam is composed of a written exam and an oral exam, both of which are compulsory; admission to the oral exam depends on passing the written exam with a grade of at least 18/30.
Both the first and the second language include a final compulsory exam in the first semester of the second year and an optional partial exam (on a single date) in the second semester of the first year.

The final grade is calculated considering both the final grade and other elements aimed at assessing the learning progress during the studies. Specifically:
• Active participation of the student at lectures (minimum 75% attendance at lectures – which is recorded via Attendance procedure) plus evidence of guided self-study;
• Whether or not the student has passed the partial exam.
Please note that the following rules are effective only until September 2019.

Following this date, for all students with first and / or second language exam debit, and for all language codes (first and second), the rules described for the second languages of the 2018-19 cohort will be applied as at §

Validation of language exams taken during the BSc program at Bocconi

Students who were awarded a Bocconi BSc degree can request recognition of the grade of the first and/or second language registered during their BSc studies (with exemption from assessment for the various MSc programs) on condition that their exit levels after the BSc program are included in the following:


First language

Second language

B2 business, C1 general, C1 business, C2 general, C2 business

B1 business, B2 business, B2 general (except for English), C1 general, C1 Business, C2 general, C2 business

Requests should be submitted at the Academic Affairs Division Desk (for timing, see section 9).

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3.2.5. Educational Offer

The Language Center offers courses to prepare for various international certifications and to for the Bocconi exam.

Courses are offered for both the minimum exit level and for certain higher levels (see 3.2.1) so as to better satisfy the language preparation of all students.

All students are automatically assigned to a class group to prepare the Bocconi exam (minimum exit level required); those students who wish to attend a course to prepare the certification (and not the course to prepare the Bocconi exam) must register specifically (see paragraph

General information on the courses offered is provided below.
Detailed information on the course syllabi is available online.

Last change 03/12/2018 17:11 Courses to prepare for English certifications

  • BEC, Business English Certificate, specialized language/business, levels B2 and C1, Cambridge English Language Assessment.
    48 hours of preparation.

Courses are offered only to the students who have the language course code included in their study plan in the year when the course is offered. They are offered to a limited number of students and admission is based on the order of registration until all places are taken and admission is on a first come, first served basis.

In order to benefit from the course, the student must have a knowledge of the language equal to at least the level immediately below the level of the course’s certification.
At the beginning of lessons, it will be possible to evaluate the adequacy of preparation for the course with the teacher and, if this proves to be insufficient, to return to the class for the internal exam.
Courses are activated only if an adequate number of students enroll.

Further information on course content is available online.

Last change 03/12/2018 17:12 Courses to prepare for the Bocconi exam

Courses last one year and provide 72 hours (from the second semester of the first year to the first semester of the second year, 36 hours per each semester).
Detailed information on course objectives and contents is available online in the course syllabi.

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3.2.6. Self-study

In addition to lecture attendance, learning foreign languages requires a constant commitment to self-study, which includes various activities/assignments, based on specific information provided by the teaching staff in class and available on the course syllabus and/or BBoard, with the use of different tools (e.g. exercise books, or multimedia courses/assignments available on the BBoard e-learning platform).

Moreover, the Language Center offers the following at the Language Laboratory:
• An advisory and information service for language study;
• A tutoring service developed by the language teaching staff to support individual learning; this service is available upon reservation of a time slot;
• Various materials for preparing certifications and the Bocconi exam, which are available at the multimedia Library of the Laboratory and/or on the BBoard platform.

In general, students are advised to spend 3-5 hours per week on self-study.

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3.2.7. Foreign languages as additional courses

In all cases, curricular languages (French, English, Italian, German, Spanish and Portuguese) can be recorded as additional exams, either by passing a Bocconi exam, or upon obtaining a certification.
With reference to the certification, it must be included in the list of the certifications recognized, must be presented before its expiry date and must meet or exceed the minimum level for the specific study program.

Students can also record Arabic, Japanese, Russian and Chinese - which are non-curricular languages - in their study plan, but only as an additional course.

As there are no Bocconi exams for these languages, it is only possible to record a certification converted into a grade out of thirty. The certification must be included in the list of those recognized by the University and must be submitted before expiry date. The minimum level for certification is A1.

Last change 03/12/2018 17:15