2017-2018 A.Y.

World Bachelor Business (3-y)

8.5. Additional courses

Additional courses are those whose credit points provide more than the 180 credit points needed to fulfil the Italian degree requirements. WBB students, who choose to spend the fourth year of studies at Università Bocconi, can include a maximum of three additional courses in their study plan and one curricular internship (curricular requirements are specified in the chapter Internship), provided that they have passed all course exams of the first two years and half (only academic activities having an equivalent in the Bocconi study plan will be taken into account).
Additional courses can be selected from among foreign languages and elective courses .

To calculate the average, only two additional exams may be considered (those for which students received the highest marks; if grades achieved are the same, the ones with an highest number of credit points are considered).

The choice of additional activities (courses and/or internship) is carried out starting from the fourth year of studies by submitting appropriate form at the Academic Affairs Division Desk from 24 July 2017 to 19 January 2018. It is specified that:

  • The additional courses allocation is depending on places available. In addition:
  • The additional courses, if available, are included in the study plan only upon making the allocation or change of the curricular elective courses (i.e. 1 September 2017 for the first semester courses, 20 January 2018 for the second semester courses).

Additional courses may be removed by submitting a request to the Academic Affairs Division Desk.

It is not possible to remove an activity from the study plan which has been passed and recorded.

Last change 24/07/2017 17:42