2016-2017 A.Y.

World Bachelor Business (3-y)

3.1.6. Method of assessing foreign language knowledge

Knowledge is assessed by one of the following methods:

  • international certification from among those recognized by the University, or
  • Bocconi exam.

International certifications

Students can choose to take an exam for only one of the international certifications recognized by the University instead of the Bocconi exam. Students will then apply to have the result converted into a mark out of thirty by the Language Centre Secretary's Office upon presentation of the original certification and recorded in their academic career.

The level of the international certification must at least correspond to or be higher than the exit level set for the language in question (see "Exit levels").

Certifications are valid for a period of 3 years from the date they were obtained (except for some international tests which are valid for less time, see in Exams-Certificates) for the purposes of recording it in the student's academic career.

The list of the international language certifications and tests recognized for the different exams is published on the website at in Exams-Certificates.

In addition to the list of international general language certifications, the University also recognizes special language certifications published on the same website section.

For achieving a certification it is necessary to sit for the relating exam at the Official institutions, in Italy and abroad.

Costs relating to the exam for achieving the certification are to be paid by the student.

The Language Centre offers a service which is designed to give guidance and information on the exam assessment methods. There are also specific materials and samples of exam texts available at the Language Lab.

Bocconi exam

Language knowledge is assessed by an exam. This exam is designed to test the student's comprehension and knowledge of both written and spoken language adapted to the appropriate language level of competence required. The exam is structured in a written exam and a compulsory oral one; admission in the oral exam is subject to passing the written exam.

For the second language, there is one final exam (compulsory) in the second semester and also one partial exam (optional and on one date) in the first semester (for information on partial exams check the website at in Exams - Certificates> Bocconi exams).

Exams are prepared in accordance with the same language standards relating to international certifications.


  • The final grade is given on the basis of the final exam grade and other elements such like the learning progress (see in Exams-Certificates> Bocconi exams. Specifically:
    • positive result for active participation in the lessons and guided individual study;
    • passing of the partial exam (only when scheduled) and passing the written and oral exam in the first sessions available;
    • sitting and passing the written and oral exam for the first time in the same session.

The exam final grade is out of thirty and is included in the calculation of the Grade Point Average (GPA).

The language level achieved when recording a certification or passing an exam (structured in written and oral exam) is specifically indicated on the official exam report and official academic transcript.

Students can achieve higher exit levels through the registration of one of the international certifications recognized by the University in the student's academic career.

Last change 15/07/2016 09:45