Guides to the university

2018-2019 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

7.5. Exam and Partial Exam Registration Procedure

Registration for written, oral, partial exams and seminars is compulsory and it must be carried out via the yoU@B Diary>Exam dates>Registration exam sessions up to the fourth last working day before the exam itself. The following days and periods are classified as non-working days:

  • Saturdays and Sundays;
  • Holidays and periods when the University is closed, as indicated below:
    - for 2018: 1 November, 7 December, 25 and 26 December;
    - for 2019 (up to the September exam period): 1 January, 22 and 25 April, 1 May, 15 August.

Registration for the exam session and for partial exams can be allowed only if the student is not suspended (e.g. if the payment of tuition and fees and/or any penalty fees has not been recorded, for a disciplinary sanction, for any irregularities discovered by one of the University Services etc).

To register, after accessing to the yoU@B student Diary, students must use the function Exams>Registration Exam sessions: a list of the un-passed courses included in the study plan appears.

Via the function above students can register for only one of the two exams which follow the displaying date, for each code and type of exam.

By clicking on the appropriate icon beside the exam session, according to the deadlines for the exam registration, the following operations can be carried out:

  • Exam registration
  • Exam cancellation

The registration/cancellation operation is carried out only if the confirmation prompt is given by the system. If confirmation is not given, registration/cancellation for the specific activity will NOT take place.

After registering for the exams it is possible to print the receipt for every operation carried out via yoU@B Exams>Registration Exam sessions by clicking on the appropriate icon beside the selected session; students are suggested to check if the registration/cancellation operation has been correctely carried out upon accessing the 'Exams' widget which includes the list of exam registrations carried out by the student.

If the system does not allow you to register for or cancel from an exam, it may be as a result of one of the following:

  • the registration deadline has expired;
  • the course is not included in the study plan;
  • the exam has already been passed;
  • the student is suspended for non-payment of university fees and tuition;
  • the student does not have the right to sit the exam because the exam is scheduled before lectures finish (end of semester); this does not apply to partial exams.

With reference to the 2nd partial exam scheduled in the second exam session of the exam periods at the end of the teaching semesters for some course typologies, the system may not allow you to register for or cancel from an exam if:
• the student is already registered for the 2nd partial exam in the first exam session;
• the student is already registered for the general exam in the first exam session (written or oral).

When registration to the session has closed, the above criteria will be checked again. If the criteria has not been met the student cannot sit the exam. Students who are suspended after registering for one or more exams and/or partial exams are sent a message on their yoU@B student Diary informing them that they cannot sit the exam. Students who clear their position before registration closes have the right to sit the exam. Once students clear their position they will receive a message via the above channels.
For further detailed information on rules for exam registration, please check paragraph 7.5.1 Notes for Exams Registration: Regulations and Requirements.

Last change 30/10/2018 16:49

7.5.1. Notes for Exams Registration: Regulations and Requirements

In addition to the rules mentioned in paragraph 7.5 Exam and partial exam registration procedure, some important information regarding exam registration is available below:
  1. Both a written exam and a partial exam or both an oral exam and a partial exam in the same day
    If the exam calendar includes both a written exam and a partial exam or both an oral exam and a partial one on the same day, students cannot register for both types of exams at the same time. Therefore students must choose which of the 2 types of exam they want to register for (written or partial exam; oral or partial exam).
  2. Both a date for the written exam and a date for the oral exam in the exam timetable
    If the exam timetable shows both a date for the written exam and a date for the oral exam (e.g. foreign languages), students must register for both (even if they are on the same day). If students do not register for both, they cannot sit the exam.
  3. Registration in groups
    In some cases when registering for an exam students will be asked to make a specific choice from among a group of alternatives ("registration in groups"), for example "attending students". After selecting the type and date of the exam for which they want to register/cancel, a window will automatically appear giving students the possibility of selecting the group they want to register for.
  4. Partial exams
    If the exam consists of different partial exams, students must pass all of them in order to pass the exam. If students do not sit for one of the partial exams they must take the general exam. For further detailed information on exam assessment methods for each individual course, please check the course profiles published on the website at
  5. Rules for sitting/registering for the second partial exams
    With reference to the second partial exam scheduled in both exam sessions of exam periods at the end of the teaching semesters, there are the following rules and exam access limitations:
  • students can sit for the 2nd partial exam only once: students registered for the 2nd partial exam in the first exam session after the teaching period will not be allowed to register for the 2nd partial exam in the second exam session after the teaching period;
  • students registered for the general exam in the first exam session after the teaching period will not be allowed to register for the 2nd partial exam in the second exam session after the teaching period.
Checks for accessing the 2nd partial exam in the second exam session after the teaching period will be made on the basis of the exam registration, independently from the student’s attendance at the exam.
For further detailed information on exam periods and the course typologies involved, please check paragraph 7.4.1 General and partial exams.

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