2017-2018 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

7.4.1. General and partial exams

The exam timetable is organized in periods that do not coincide with the lessons. Each exam period consists of one or more sessions.

The exam timetable allocates 4 exam sessions for all courses; 2 of them are scheduled after the teaching semester, the third and fourth sessions are considered as supplementary sessions. For foreign language courses and Computer Science/Computer Skills 5 exam sessions are scheduled.

Lessons are suspended at mid-semester in both the first and second semester for 1st partial exams. 2nd partial exams are held at the end of the semester. Partial exam dates may or may not coincide with those fixed for general exams.

Students can generally take exams in all sessions as long as they satisfy the attendance requirements (semester course lessons in the study plan must be finished). For some types of exams and for some courses, there can be some limitations to access the exams.

The exam periods and exam sessions (reference period: October 2017 - September 2018) are scheduled as follows.


 Courses I semester

 Courses II semester




Period I


1st  Partial exams


11/12/17 (*)

21/12/17 (*)

2nd Partial exams
1 session





19/01/18 (**)


2nd Partial exams
1 session

1 session 2016-2017 academic year

Period III



1st  Partial exams

Period IV


2nd Partial exams
1 session


23/06/18 (**)


2nd Partial exams
1 session



1 session


Period V


1 session

1 session

(*) In the period 11-21 December 2017 an exam session, open to all enrolled students, is scheduled for 1/2 compulsory courses per program/year of studies replacing the January 2018 exam session which, as a consequence, will not be scheduled.

(**) From the 2017/18 academic year for the compulsory, compulsory courses chosen by the students, curriculum compulsory courses the second partial exam if written is scheduled in both sessions of the exam periods scheduled at the end of the teaching period.

As a consequence, for the course typologies above, a second partial exam is scheduled:

  • with reference to the first semester, in the period 19 January to 3 February 2018 as an alternative to the one scheduled in the period 4 to 18 January 2018;
  • with reference to the second semester, in the period 1 to 23 June 2018 as an alternative to the one scheduled in the period 15 to 31 May 2018.

There are rules and limitations to access the second partial exam, for all details check paragraph 7.5. Exam registration procedure.

Note to the exam calendar

  • "session" refers to both exams of the current academic year and the previous years;
  •  the fourth exam session for II semester courses will be held in February 2019;
  • exam sessions for foreign language courses are scheduled for: October 2017; February, June, July and September 2018;
  • exam sessions for Computer Science/Computer Skills are scheduled as follows:
    • 1st semester courses: October 2017; January, February, June and September 2018;
    • 2nd semester courses: October 2017; February, June, July and September 2018
  • A reserved exam session has been scheduled in December (11-21 December 2017), for 1st semester courses, open only to students who: 
  1. are participating in: Exchange and Free Mover programs abroad in the 2ndsemester 2017/2018 academic year;
  2. are Incoming 1st semester (Exchange and single courses for visiting students)
  3. are participating in a curricular internship abroad or in Italy in January/February 2018 period.              

With reference to the reserved exam session please note that students CANNOT sit exams for previous year's courses which have not been passed. Only those students whose teaching activities described in points 1 and 3 start before the February exam session ends (3 February 2018) can participate.

There is NO overlapping between compulsory course exam sessions of the same year and Bachelor of Science program; therefore no 2 exams on the same day are usually scheduled, except for February (19 January-3 February 2018) and September exam periods, as the available days for exams are limited.

Such overlapping rules refers ONLY to compulsory courses of the year in which the student is enrolled and do not refer to previous years' exams which have not been passed yet and/or to elective courses. With reference to the elective courses we tend, when possible to guarantee the non-overlapping between courses referring to the same subject area.

Last change 22/02/2018 10:59