Guides to the university

2009-2010 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

10.1. Contents of the final paper

The final paper is a concise paper which develops a topic which may be purely theoretical or supported by empirical evidence, taking as a starting point work experience (internships) or study periods in Italy or abroad (preferably abroad for BIEM students).

Students enrolled in Italian class groups can decide to write the final paper in Italian or in English. Students enrolled in english class group (BIEM) must write the final paper in English.

The contents of the final paper must be related to one of the subject areas of the Università Bocconi Departments. However, it does not necessarily have to be related to one of the courses in the student's study plan.

Final papers are written under the supervision of a tutor.
If students want to base their final papers on either an internship or a period of study abroad, the tutor and student must agree on the topic before the student starts such experience.

As a general guide, the paper is around 30 pages and may require about one month of work.
The final paper must be accompanied by the abstract of the final paper that summarizes the main topic.

It is possible to download the "Guide for writing the Final Paper"  which has been written with the aim of give orientation to students in writing the final paper.

For each Bachelor Program additional information could be provided for in, for the peculiarity of the courses of the Program. Any additional information will be given by each Bachelor Program Director and will come out when writing the final paper  from the contact between Tutor Professor and student.

We invite you to carefully check the correct procedures for the use of citations, in the above guide. Please note that Università Bocconi which values the originality of the final papers, has been equipped with an ad hoc software to verify their authenticity in addition to the methods for checking the copying of final papers already in use. An improper use of citations or any excessive use of them in the final papers may be reported to the Disciplinary Board.

Last change 19/09/2011 14:38