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Course 2012-2013 a.y.


Department of Accounting

For the instruction language of the course see class group/s below

Go to class group/s: 15 - 16 - 17

CLEFIN-FINANCE (6 credits - I sem. - OB  |  SECS-P/07)
Course Director:

Classi: 15 (I sem.)
Docenti responsabili delle classi:

Classe/i impartita/e in lingua italiana

Obiettivi formativi del corso

Il corso si propone di fornire le competenze necessarie per comprendere, analizzare e interpretare bilanci sia individuali sia di gruppo. I contenuti sono progettati principalmente per coloro che prevedono di utilizzare le informazioni di bilancio nel proprio ambito professionale, e in particolar modo per coloro che intendono operare come analisti finanziari.
La conoscenza della terminologia e degli strumenti di base della contabilità e del bilancio è fortemente consigliata. Nel corso si fa costante riferimento sia ai principi nazionali sia ai principi internazionali (IAS/IFRS), evidenziandone analogie e differenze.
Le principali problematiche di reporting e valutazione introdotte dai principi internazionali sono particolare oggetto di attenzione, al fine di fornire agli studenti gli strumenti necessari per una migliore comprensione dei bilanci redatti secondo tali standard e per una più efficace analisi della earnings quality.

Programma sintetico del corso

In breve, il corso affronta i seguenti argomenti:

  • L'analisi di bilancio: finalità e strumenti
  • Problematiche di rilevazione e di analisi del bilancio consolidato secondo i principi nazionali e internazionali
  • Principali problematiche di reporting e valutazione introdotte dai principi internazionali e confronto con i principi nazionali
  • La valutazione della earnings quality

Descrizione dettagliata delle modalità d'esame

Students are required to work on a group assignment on financial statement analysis. This is evaluated and contributes to the final grade. The final exam is in written form.

Testi d'esame
  • Official text of selected accounting standards
  • Teaching notes, cases and additional materials prepared by teachers on e-Learning
  • A textbook on financial reporting and analysis (the use of the textbook is only suggested and is indicated by the instructors at the beginning of the course)
Modificato il 03/07/2012 11:36

Classes: 16 (I sem.) - 17 (I sem.)

Class group/s taught in English

Course Objectives

The main objective of this course is to develop participants' skills in understanding, analysing and interpreting individual and consolidated financial statements. Contents are designed primarily for those who expect to be users of financial statements as part of their professional responsibilities, in particular for those aiming at operating as financial analysts in different forms of financial institutions. Students are expected to already know the basic terminology and the essential financial accounting concepts and tools. References are made to both international standards (IAS/IFRS) and US standards (US GAAP). Main reporting and valuation issues introduced by the international accounting standards are presented and discussed, in order to give students the necessary knowledge to understand and analyse financial statements prepared according to such standards and to assess earnings quality.

Course Content Summary

In short, the course addresses the following main issues:

  • Financial statement analysis: purposes and tools
  • Major reporting and valuation issues in international accounting standards and comparison with US GAAP
  • Earnings quality assessment
  • Reporting and analysis issues related to consolidated financial statements according to international accounting standards (IAS/IFRS, US GAAP) 

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

Students are required to work on a group assignment on financial statement analysis. This is evaluated and contributes to the final grade. The final exam is in written form.

  • Official text of selected accounting standards
  • Teaching notes, cases and additional materials prepared by teachers on e-Learning
  • A textbook on financial reporting and analysis (the use of the textbook is only suggested and is indicated by the instructors at the beginning of the course)
Last change 03/07/2012 11:40