Exam 20418



Degree program Type   Date Time No. of registrations Registration deadline
  M S   12/12/2024 09.00 0 06/12/2024
  MM S   12/12/2024 09.00 0 06/12/2024
  CLEFIN-FINANCE S   12/12/2024 09.00 0 06/12/2024
  DES-ESS S   12/12/2024 09.00 0 06/12/2024
  EMIT S   12/12/2024 09.00 0 06/12/2024
  FIN S   12/12/2024 09.00 0 06/12/2024
  M S   14/01/2025 09.00 0 08/01/2025
  MM S   14/01/2025 09.00 0 08/01/2025
  CLEFIN-FINANCE S   14/01/2025 09.00 0 08/01/2025
  DES-ESS S   14/01/2025 09.00 0 08/01/2025
  EMIT S   14/01/2025 09.00 0 08/01/2025
  FIN S   14/01/2025 09.00 0 08/01/2025
  M S   10/03/2025 09.00 0 04/03/2025
  MM S   10/03/2025 09.00 0 04/03/2025
  CLEFIN-FINANCE S   10/03/2025 09.00 0 04/03/2025
  DES-ESS S   10/03/2025 09.00 0 04/03/2025
  EMIT S   10/03/2025 09.00 0 04/03/2025
  FIN S   10/03/2025 09.00 0 04/03/2025
  M S   09/06/2025 09.00 0 03/06/2025
  MM S   09/06/2025 09.00 0 03/06/2025
  CLEFIN-FINANCE S   09/06/2025 09.00 0 03/06/2025
  DES-ESS S   09/06/2025 09.00 0 03/06/2025
  EMIT S   09/06/2025 09.00 0 03/06/2025
  FIN S   09/06/2025 09.00 0 03/06/2025
  M S   28/08/2025 11.30 0 22/08/2025
  MM S   28/08/2025 11.30 0 22/08/2025
  CLEFIN-FINANCE S   28/08/2025 11.30 0 22/08/2025
  DES-ESS S   28/08/2025 11.30 0 22/08/2025
  EMIT S   28/08/2025 11.30 0 22/08/2025
  FIN S   28/08/2025 11.30 0 22/08/2025

PI =  Partial exam
S =  Written exam
O =  Oral exam
(**) Supplementary exam session reserved for specific students only. For further information check the exam section in the Guide to the University.
N.B. Students can take exams in all sessions as long as they satisfy the attendance requirements (semester course lessons in the study plan must be finished)
To access the partial exams scheduled at the end of each teaching semester, there are some limitations. Check the Guide to the University > Exams.